Hi everyone, this is my male all fired up and was wondering if he is a Capp? Thank you in advance.
Hi everyone, this is my male all fired up and was wondering if he is a Capp? Thank you in advance.
@ghoulishcresties @foxreptile
Remember, Capps are only Capps once they are proven. There is definitely a chance though. where did you get him from?
Possibly, but like Logar said the only way to know is to prove him by producing super capps
Capps are suppose to have a whiter tail and a v where the tail and back meet.
I don’t see either in this Gecko so I don’t believe it is. But as said above, you would need to breed him to know for sure
@logar what would I need to breed him with to know for sure?
You would need to breed him to a capp that has been confirmed capp to see if you produce any super capps. If you produce a super capp then you have got yourself a capp
I wouldn’t say so. but unless you made supers you don’t know. It’s a dark Harley pin dash.
I know of someone selling cresties as fraps as they’re sure there gecko is a cap and spoken to others.
But unless proven and got supers I don’t thing you can say 100% at all.
Capp or no Capp he is very nice looking with a rich dark fired up coloring. If I said that right? You know what I mean!