Need help sexing this bearded dragon was kept together untill around 2 months ago with another beardie i had to rehome, it was 100% male im near positive this is female she would be around 15-16months the male i rehomed 3months older, any help from any1 with bit more knowledge or beardie owners or breeders, its been gaining weight rapidly and looks to me like its holding eggs i have set up a nest box dusting loadsa calcium, or is it just overweight lol
I’ll admit… I’m not the best at beardies, but given my experience breeding leopard geckos and the few beardies I have been around… That looks like a gravid female to me.
I would also make sure you’re dusting her food a couple times a week with a general multivitamin as well. Especially if she’s a picky one.
Unfortunately, eggbinding can happen with beardies. I would try to find a qualified reptile vet now so that you can avoid the added stress if she does have any issues.
Without knowing how far along she is it can definitely be hard to tell what’s up. But if she starts seeming overly lethargic, if she starts looking too skinny aside from the egg belly, or if she only lays a few eggs and still has more in her belly 24-36 hours later that is definitely time to go to the vet.
I hope things go well and smoothly!
A beardie breeder will hopefully pop by with some more hands on experience for you and recommend more.
And let us know how she does!
Thanks for the info, i do use calcium and multi vitamins nearly every feed its been eating more than usual and starting to go into the laybox i have created with coco soil vermiculite perlite some sand from the viv and spaghnum moss mixed together and kept moist, and i have been reading everything up on it that i can but i think its getting ready soon to lay some so i have been giving extra vits an calcium every feeding and feeding extra, but its still active a lot and basking a lot, i know all what to do if it does lay eggs, just wanted to be sure, but its definitely been checking out the laybox a lot more and digging parts i will keep a close eye on it