Is this a gray rat snake?

Mercedes was wild caught in Mobile Alabama.(before anyone gets upset, I rescued her out of a car engine and kept her because she was burned) took her to the vet,treated a huge parasite load and the burns) I’m pretty sure she is some kind of rat snake, we have both gray and black rat snakes in my area.



I would say that is one beautiful looks to be gray rat, but @ashleyraeanne would be a better option

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Beautiful snake, thanks for helping!!!


Thanks, I thought she was probably a gray. She’s a very nice snake, never offered to strike at me when I got her out of the engine . Good eater, she started taking frozen thawed on her 4th meal.

She’s a great snake, luckily my coworkers call me for Kritter problems of any kind.


Yep, that is a gray rat snake. At that size a black rat would basically be solid black by now.


Oh, she is my first native rat snake, I didn’t know the black rat snakes turned solid black.
Thank you for the information.