UPDATE: I placed her on a damp towel and let her be, it fell off and she is doing perfect! I am summing it up to the umbilical cord! Thank you all for helping me through my freak out!
Me too! She’s my very first hatchling so i definitely freaked when I saw it, did a butt ton of reading and I’m finding “in the extremely rare event the leopard gecko is born with its umbilical cord attached” and I’m like it’s my first one how ‘th did it happen to me
That would have freaked me out too, it looks almost exactly like when my crestie male Albert had a hemipenal prolapse - glad it fell off on it’s own, googling photos of umbilical cords on leos, it definitely seems like that was what it was
The update on top says it already has thankfully, otherwise i would’ve probably recommended giving it a day or two, and then taking it to a vet if it hadn’t resolved in case it wasn’t an umbilical, cause it really does look like something that should not be on the outside of the body - i have more experience with cresties though, and ive only heard of very few cases on them still having an egg sac, and mostly on babies that died before they hatched, seems to be more common in leos from what ive read, though still not very common
Omg sorry I’ve been out at a reptile show and missed all of this. @_@
The baby should be fine. I see the update about it falling off. That is quite a large and scary looking bit of cord/yolk for a first time hatching…and even then, I’ve only had this happen once for me while breeding Leos.
Keep them on clean damp paper towel for another day or so to give the ‘belly button’ a bit more time to heal over. It won’t be as irritating on them. After that they should be good to go!