Is this lavender or just a baby

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Based on this picture (which does not really show the eyes or sides) I would go with Banana Cinnanon.


Lavender is a type of albino. This isn’t an albino or lavender albino. From what I can see I would say banana cinnamon mojave. It is at least a banana though.

Im with Deb on this. Mojave and Cinnamon give off similar looking alien heads but the best way to tell the difference in combos is the spacing between them.

Cinnamon is usually a lot tighter, with the alien heads looking like a “chain”, where as Mojave is usually quite spaced out.



@eaglereptiles When you have only cinny and banana you have deeper colors and larger alien heads. Combining cinny mojave and banana still makes chains but reduces the size of the pattern. Also makes the purple lighter in color and the yellows lighter too.

Here is a couple cinny banana;
Notice the deeper colors, large alien heads with drips, and darker yellows/oranges.
Now here are a few Mojave cinny bananas;
You still have the chains, but with much lighter colors, little to no spots, and much smaller alien heads with no drips.

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Full agreement here

I didnt know this! Thanks for pointing that out Thomas :blush:

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