Is this mouthrot?

I just got this boy in a about a week, and noticed over the last few days his mouth has started looking rather odd, I’ve been keeping snakes for a long time and haven’t experienced mouth rot before but I’m worried that’s what this is any help would be great! He is in shed also. I’ve attached a video as well.


This snake needs a vet ASAP

It’s not just what looks like a case of mouth rot. There also seems to be possible swelling over the left side of the head. Which is never a good sign.

This is definitely a case where you will need a vet to do a culture and ID exactly what will be best to target the infection. It could have been a rodent bite, an injury, a burn… But definitely needs to be seen by a professional


I messaged the breeder I got him from, I don’t believe this is something that would develop over the 10 days I’ve had him, I noticed it about 5 days after he got here and was told just wait it out by the breeder and that it’s most likely from pushing in the shipping box. I really hope he does something resolve it. The snake cost me almost 2 grand. Which granted if I have to ill absolutely foot the vet bill to get him better, but it seems like this was something that was existing before I got him.


Anymore help or advice from anyone would extremely appreciated just as proof something is wrong or to more prove my point for lack of a better term.


If he was purchased on the MorphMarket sales side I would consider contacting support there so they have a heads up on the situation.

I would worry that if they want you to ‘wait it out’ they’re hoping that it would take long enough to say it was something about your care or that it’s too long after sale.

But as a just in case if you wanted to post enclosure photos or give us some info on temps and such, that can help us figure out if there’s a possible issue missed there.
Honestly, these guys do like to ‘push’ on the enclosures… Especially when it’s a new situation and they’re stressed. So there could be some issue with the muzzle/teeth from that. But what looks like swelling and possible something going on with the eye is definitely not normal pushing


I just took these photos, this setup is completely brand-new and I had it setup about 2 weeks before he arrived.

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Update: The breeder offered to either foot the entire vet bill or complete replace him. I’ll update again with what we do.


Update we took him to the vet, he’s in a procedure now. He had an abscess in his jaw and a hole!! The breeder is paying for everything luckily. Another 30+days of recovery for him.


Glad to hear the breeder is stepping up, and that your new boy is getting the treatment he needs. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that treatment goes well and that he heals up quickly. :crossed_fingers: He’s gorgeous, by the way!


Thank you for doing right by this little guy regardless! I’m really glad that the seller is stepping up and covering it.

I hope that treating the abscess will take care of what looked like swelling? That especially was my concern. Very happy that he’s on a road to recovery and was taken care of so quickly!

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Oh also because I never got back to it … The enclosure setup looks pretty good! Probably need to take the bedding out to let him heal up cleanly, but once he’s clean bill of health get it back in there with a little decor and I’m sure he’ll be a cozy little guy.

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No doubt the abscess was causing the swelling so I am confident the procedure hopefully coupled with an antibiotic will take care of it

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@brannigan I am so thankful things are going to get better for your baby! And kudos to the breeder for doing the responsible thing!

The set up looks very sleek as well! :clap::star_struck::+1::blush:

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Thank you everyone for the kind words! I have to give him shots every 3 days for the next 30 days and swab his mouth daily with an oral disinfectant. I’ll update as he progresses.


Oh definitely. But I hadn’t actually gotten the confirmation that it wasn’t just a trick of the camera after. Or it could have been a different area that was abscessed.

Either way this snake must be feeling so much better. I had a tooth root abscess that ruptured into my sinuses and I would not wish that pain on anyone. This seems like the snake version of that.


As a heads up for you!
This boy being in shed is most likely the immune response to the abscess. It’s possible that he could shed and then go into another shed cycle while he’s still in treatment. It’s a weird thing reptiles will do sometimes


Yeah I am sure that boy was very uncomfortable. I can’t imagine the pain that went along with your abscess! But you’re right! The little feller must feel better!

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