I’ve been wondering if this was scale rot or just her pattern? She’s a lesser enchi yellow belly, btw. It looks dirty but it’s always on her so it can’t be substrate sticking to her or anything. Maybe I’m being paranoid about some of the spots? Some of them do look more like scale rot then her pattern but… I need confirmation because none of the photos I’ve seen look like this. I marked the pictures in case it was hard to see, she was a bit squirmy.
That is 100% her pattern. No worries there!
They can change a lot over the first two years and the clean looking babies that you start out with look kinda fuzzy and muddy as adults sometimes.
Just as a comparison so you can see what I mean… here’s a pastel super enchi Mojave … And her brand new super enchi Mojave baby is in the hatchling photo.
Definitely looks to be just her colour/pattern. They can change pretty drastically as they age.
Scale rot typically occurs on the belly scutes anyway, not on the back or sides.