It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Oh…no, it’s a morph ID!

Lame title, I know :sweat_smile:

Anyways, onto these precious worms!

Sire: Bought as a Dinker het Pied in March 2021, so, I snatched him up.

Then we have mama here, a Spider Enchi Calico Pinstripe YellowBelly Prob. Orange Dream pos. Het Pied.

And now, the babies! These first two are the normals, but, I’m thinking of keeping them to peruse this ‘Dinker’ project, but be honest, do they look like something ‘different’?
Baby #1

And baby #2

Baby #3

Baby #4

Baby #5 ( I know, he hasn’t shed but if you guess can ID, do so, if not, I’ll post more when he does!)

Baby #6

Baby #7

Baby #8

Thank y’all so much! I seriously don’t know what I’d do without this community! :heart_eyes:


Congratulations on some gorgeous babies! If I had to choose one to keep I could probably not! And the momma is outrageously lovely! Btw I’m like you! I don’t know what I would do without this community either! :heart::+1::clap:


Aw! Thank you! :star_struck:

  1. WT possible low-expression YB
  2. WT
  3. Calico Enchi Pin YB
  4. Enchi YB
  5. Enchi YB
  6. Enchi
  7. Enchi Pin YB
  8. YB

Thank you!


To me the first two normals look pretty granite like to me, but I get that outcome sometimes as well if they are het pied, the influence makes the pattern a little different. I would think if yellow belly the first would be brighter, but that’s probably why @t_h_wyman said low expression for the first one. Either way can we get better belly shots of the first and second, to see if yb or maybe even some pied markers are there? Very pretty and interesting clutch!


I think I’m just stupid but what does WT mean @t_h_wyman
edit; Also have these had their first sheds yet?


It stands for Wild Type, or normal.


Yeah sure! I’ll go get some in a bit!


All of them except for the ‘shiny’ one, lol.


All have shed out except the 5th one. Yes like @erie-herps said wild type. I always say normal myself too. And every time I see WT I think they just forgot the F on the end!:joy: But they are right, especially for breeders wild type sounds and sells better then just plain old normal.


Okay here’s pics of the first one

And the second


I am not seeing any yb or pied markers in the first. The second no yb and I can’t see the belly close to the tail to be sure about pied tracks or ringer type markers. Try a pic like this for the pied markers and here is a pic of asphalt black pastel belly so you can see kinda what we are looking for.


So sorry! They wiggle too much! :sweat_smile:
Okay, the first one:

And the second


No worries, they only move crazy when you try to get a picture​:rofl: I am not seeing yb or any definite pied markers, now of course some het pieds don’t have any markers at all so there still is a chance they are het pied, and that means that could be the reason they look granite like. Now granite can have lots of types and meanings, these could be genetic co-dominant dinker type granite stuff from the male, it could be more polygenic granite like my female has. She has the slightly busy, freckled look inside her side patterns, and doesn’t or has never produced a super form and only occasionally a baby will come out granite like her. Yours are cool because they have the flecking in the pattern, some spots on the head, and the pattern is connected in some places and I saw even a floating pattern on the second, also the alien head type pattern is either absent or just weird! Bottom line is the father could have passed some kind of genetic granite type of mutation to them, or it still may be a het pied influence. If it interests you you could dink around with them, but unless you prove it out to be a co-dominant with a visual super form, money wise it doesn’t make a lot of sense to keep them. Not that you have to follow the money, do what makes you happy!:smiley: interesting looking bps though!


Thank you so much for all of the help!

I’m not sure pursuing this is going to be worthwhile as both are males :confused:

I’m entertaining the idea of keeping the Calico Pin. Enchi YB though! Turned out female and perhaps I could pair her to my Huffman CG one day?

Who knows! Anyways, thanks again!


Thank you for asking that question. I was wondering the same thing but didn’t want to ask! Lol. :rofl::joy:


Not that it matters but the one you’re keeping is my favorite! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Thank you Riley (and Bane)

I actually prefer it because I feel it more encompasses the that there is high variation “in the wild” and helps temper the “My ‘normal’ has this one freckle that is different so it is a morph”

Just WT based on these. Though with the granitey-ness that Bane mentioned. May be genetic, may just be normal variation


Oh good, I am just stupid then :joy: