Jigsaw boa viable? (Roswell Ladder tail x Key west)

Like the title says: is a jigsaw boa a viable, healthy and well producing animal? I only know two people who have (or had?) them and can’t find any information on them.


@flrt-dennis @tommccarthy @lumpy @crispysnakes


That is a good question. It’s if memory serves roswell ladder tail and keywest. Unless someone comes out with better information I’d consider it an unreliable combination. I do hope I’m wrong and it is healthy and viable.

Lol didn’t see you included rlt x keywest in the title


I personally think that they create a type of super that is unviable after a few months/years.


Not sure about the morph to be honest. In 2016 muscle serpents university did a video on 2 they had created, not sure if the video is still up. I believe some passed but 2 survived. I could be mistaken.

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Don’t know anything about this morph. But to me it looks like some type of paradox boa. Could be Roswell ladder tail with Keywest or even motley in it. Paradox gene has never been proven out with any boa as far as I know. It just shows up even now and then.

My paradox boa never reproduce a paradox boa for me. He did pass away with a tumor. I have had 5 boas and one reticulated python pass away from tumors in the last 25 year. Only two boas where related. I am not sure if its related but in NW Indiana there there is a high cancer rate in humans from the steel mills. I do test my well water ever year. So far it’s been good and ok to drink. Come to think about it I have had 1 dog die from a tumors. However he was very old 15 years old.

Take care


I know Tim Eisel from Imperator morphs (Germany) had a female and reproduced with her. But that is the only instance I could find of a jigsaw reproducing. The combo looks very interesting and I was thinking of making a jigsaw specter (RLT, Keywest, RDR bea, VPI t+). But I really wonder if they are healthy animals before I go that route.

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Yeah I saw that video. i think I am going to contact that breeder. Maybe he can tell me more about them. Thanks for your answer :grin:


The interaction of the two almost looks like a paradox indeed! Because they are almost the same pattern morph but different alleles, you can really see them fight it out.

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