I’m looking to start breeding KSB and was wanting to get a rack to house them. I’ve been looking at Vision racks, but I’m not sure what size tub they’d need and what size babies would need. Should I get smaller tubs for the males and bigger ones for females? I’ve heard some people mention Animal Plastics and Freedom Breeder instead of Vision, but those are Ball Python breeders. I’m not sure what racks are best for KSB. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!
I have seen custom shelves built to fit shoebox-sized sterile tubs without the lids, using heat strips and a thermostat probe. But, a friend of mine breeds them and recommends https://cserpents.com/product/colubrid-rack/ . Not this exact rack, but its the one I found that would most likely be appropriate for a larger scale of KSB breeding. Hope this helps. (Note: I haven’t bred anything yet, so these are just from suggestions I have received from other breeders in the hobby.)
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