Kenyan sand boa

So i was thinking… Is a sand boa a good choice for beginners? And what does their care look like


I would say that a Kenyan sand boa is certainly a beginner friendly snake.

Their care is fairly simple although they require higher temperatures than most snakes in the hobby. They stay fairly small and manageable with males typically being much smaller than females. And they also generally tolerate handling quite well. They’re not the best display snakes though as they mainly submerge themselves in their substrate with their head poking out.

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I loved keeping KSB. I kept them for quite a long time. They’re hardy, tolerant of mistakes by keepers and overall cool little animals to keep. They do occasionally go off feed like Ball Pythons, some are snippy little jerks on occasion, but they are definitely high on my list of animals for new keepers.


One of the best beginner species imo. I’ve got dozens at this point.
They can be nippy or go off feed, but these are inconsequential and can be easily avoided as you learn about your animal(s).
I’d recommend Warren Treacher’s “The Sand Boa Book” as a bible for this species. (I know I keep my signed copy close at hand)


They’re good beginner snakes if you want to keep them, they aren’t display animals and you’ll rarely ever see them (they’ll bury in the substrate). Wait until getting another snake since you just got one, I’d wait 6 months until getting a second one (I waited 9 before getting my second leo). Not to say you can’t research first (which I’d say is a good idea if you’re planning to get a second).