Great job! If you have made it this far, you have already completed Step 1!
Step 2
Find the contact info for your state’s Senators AND House Representatives on the list below. This is a list of all members of the Conference Committee for Competes/USICA and we need them to stop the Lacey Act amendments from making it into the final bill.
House Representative |
Email |
Babin (TX) |
Send Brian an Email | U.S. Congressman Brian Babin, D.D.S |
Barr (KY) |
Email Me | Congressman Andy Barr |
Bost (IL) |
Contact | Congressman Mike Bost |
Brady (TX) |
Contact | U.S. House of Representatives |
Buchanan (FL) |
Contact | Congressman Vern Buchanan |
Bucshon (IN) |
Contact | U.S. Representative Larry Bucshon, M.D. |
Carter (GA) |
Contact : U.S. Representative Buddy Carter |
Chabot (OH) |
Contact | U.S. Representative |
Comer (KY) |
Email | Congressman James Comer |
Crawford (AR) |
Contact - Rick Crawford |
Crenshaw (TX) |
Email Me | Congressman Dan Crenshaw |
Duncan (SC) |
Zip Code Lookup | Congressman Jeff Duncan |
Fitzgerald (WI) |
Address Lookup | Representative Scott Fitzgerald |
Foxx (NC) |
Email Virginia | Congresswoman Virginia Foxx |
Garcia (CA) |
Contact | U.S. Representative Mike Garcia |
Green (TN) |
Email Me | Congressman Mark Green |
Guest (MS) |
Address Lookup | Representative Michael Guest |
Herrell (NM) – House Natural Resources |
Contact | Representative Yvette Herrell |
Kim (CA) |
Contact | Representative Young Kim |
Kinzinger, (IL) |
Contact | U.S. House of Representatives |
LaHood (IL) |
Contact | Congressman Darin LaHood |
Lucas (OK) |
Contact - Frank Lucas |
McCaul (TX) |
Zip Code Lookup | Congressman Michael McCaul |
McMorris Rodgers (WA) |
Contact - Cathy McMorris Rodgers |
Miller (WV) |
Address Lookup | Congresswoman Carol Miller |
Moore (UT) |
Contact | Representative Blake Moore |
Smith (NE) |
Contact | Congressman Adrian Smith |
Thompson ¶ |
https://thompson.house.gov/contact/email |
Tiffany (WI) |
https://tiffany.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email |
Wagner (MO) |
https://wagner.house.gov/address_authentication?form=/contact |
Waltz (FL) |
https://waltz.house.gov/contact/ |
Weber (TX) |
https://weber.house.gov/contact/ |
Bass, CA |
https://bass.house.gov/contact |
Bera, CA |
https://bera.house.gov/connect-with-me/email-ami |
Blumenauer, OR |
https://blumenauerforms.house.gov/forms/writeyourrep/ |
Blunt-Rochester, DE |
https://bluntrochester.house.gov/contact/ |
Bobby Scott, VA |
https://bobbyscott.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email-me |
Bonamici, OR |
https://bonamici.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email |
Bowman, NY |
https://bowman.house.gov/send-an-email |
Castro, TX |
https://castro.house.gov/contact |
Chu, CA |
https://chu.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email |
David Scott, GA |
https://davidscott.house.gov/contact/contactform.htm |
Davids, KS |
https://davids.house.gov/contact/email-me |
Davis, IL |
https://rodneydavis.house.gov/contact |
DeFazio, OR |
https://defazio.house.gov/contact/email-me |
DelBene, WA |
https://delbene.house.gov/contact/ |
Demings, FL |
https://demingsforms.house.gov/contact/ |
Deutch, FL |
https://teddeutch.house.gov/contact |
Escobar, TX |
https://escobar.house.gov/contact/ |
Eshoo, CA |
https://eshoo.house.gov/contact/email-me |
Foster, IL |
https://foster.house.gov/contact/email-me |
Garcia, TX |
https://sylviagarcia.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email-me |
Gomez, CA |
https://gomez.house.gov/contact/ |
Grijalva, AZ – House Natural Resources |
nrdems@mail.house.gov |
Houlahan, PA |
https://houlahan.house.gov/contact/ |
Jacobs, CA |
https://sarajacobs.house.gov/contact/ |
Johnson, TX |
https://house.texas.gov/members/member-page/email/?district=115&session=87 |
Khanna, CA |
https://khanna.house.gov/contact/email |
Kildee, MI |
https://dankildee.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email |
Lofgren, CA |
https://lofgren.house.gov/contact |
Malinowski, NJ |
http://malinowski.house.gov/contact/contact-me-about-legislation |
Maloney, NY |
https://maloney.house.gov/contact-carolyn/email-me |
Matsui, CA |
https://matsuiforms.house.gov/contact/ |
Maxine Waters, CA |
https://waters.house.gov/contact |
McEachin, VA – House Natural Resources |
https://mceachin.house.gov/contact |
Meeks, NY |
http://meeks.house.gov/address_authentication |
Morelle, NY |
https://morelle.house.gov/ |
Nadler, NY |
https://nadler.house.gov/contact/ |
Norcross, NJ |
https://norcross.house.gov/contact/email-me |
Pallone, Jr., NJ |
https://pallone.house.gov/services |
Pappas, NH |
https://pappas.house.gov/contact/email-me |
Pingree, ME |
https://pingree.house.gov/contact/contactform.htm |
Richard Neal, MA |
https://neal.house.gov/forms/writeyourrep/ |
Scanlon, PA |
https://scanlon.house.gov/contact/ |
Schakowsky, IL |
https://schakowsky.house.gov/zip-code-lookup |
Soto, FL |
https://soto.house.gov/zip-code-lookup |
Stevens, MI |
http://stevens.house.gov/address_authentication |
Takano, CA |
https://takano.house.gov/contact/email-me |
Titus, NV |
https://titus.house.gov/contact/ |
Tonko, NY |
https://tonko.house.gov/contact/ |
Valazquez, NY |
https://velazquez.house.gov/contact |
Step 3
Copy and paste this email. Be sure to add the correct name after Dear at the introduction. Include your name at the bottom. Feel free to edit or change anything you like to make it unique and personal.
I appreciate your service as a member of Congress. As your constituent, I would like you to know that I support most of the concepts in the America COMPETES Act. However, I adamantly oppose the Lacey Act amendments found at Section 71102.
These amendments are quite contrary to the stated purpose of the America COMPETES Act, which is to strengthen our economy. The pet industry was one of the few that grew during the pandemic, with 12% growth since 2019 and the market is trending to hit another 6% growth this year. The Lacey Act amendments would derail this growth considerably, even closing some sub-markets entirely.
The proposed changes give blanket authority to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to designate injurious species without any of the current due process requirements for public input, advanced notice, or comment. For pet owners and businesses whose animals end up on the banned list, movement across state lines would be prohibited across the entire U.S. If interstate transport is restricted it would be devastating to this market.
Not only would these amendments be devastating to thousands of businesses of all sizes, but they would severely limit scientific study, threaten genetic variation in animals bred under human care, and harm millions of pet owners. If these amendments pass, the Lacey Act will leave pet owners everywhere unable to move across state lines with their family pets. This fact alone would overrun state rescues that are already under strain and result in the undesired euthanasia of beloved animals. It would halt breeders from shipping and traveling with captive-bred animals. This dramatically reduces the genetic availability for any given area, which would result in long-term genetic bottlenecking to the absolute detriment of all of these species.
Moreover, this creates considerable hurdles for the enhanced Bioeconomy Research and Development Act, a component of the America COMPETES Act, which offers funding enhancements for genetic/genomic research in plants and animals. Principal investigators of any listed species cannot relocate the animals of study to a new facility, costing not only the lives of the animals but severely depleting their research funds.
We have already witnessed overreach with previous injurious listings. When one or two states have an issue, all other states should not be impacted. The Lacey Act amendments have no place in the final bill that is reconciled from HR4521 and S1260. I implore you to vote to keep these amendments from being included. These amendments, which never had a committee hearing, should not be tucked away in a bill that is structured to support the rebounding American economy.
Step 4
Call your legislators who are conferees! At the bottom of the links above you will find phone numbers. Call them and say something as simple as the sentences below.
What to say: As your constituent, I ask that you do not support any Lacey Act amendments regarding injurious species. These amendments were recently buried in the America COMPETES Act and should not proceed as the conference committee reconciles HR4521 and S1260. Thank you.