Lay Box Question

Hey everyone, so ill finally be breeding this year for the first time. I aas curious, what does everyone use for their lay boxes and what do you put inside? Just curious if you use store bought boxes, or make your own. Also seen so many different things online for the inside of the box but didnt know if a certain product works better over another.

Thanks everyone 🩷

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I’d also like to know, since I’m breeding for the first time as well.
I’ve heard sphagnum moss is good, but I’d love to know what’s the best option lol.


A lot of people don’t use lay boxes, they just use substrate, such as a bioactive mix, on the bottom and they will just lay in the substrate. If you do use a lay box a container like this should work well. I would recommend filling it about 3/4 with substrate. A 25% sphagnum moss 50% coco fiber (or anything similar) 15% orchid bark or reptibark and 10% play sand mix will work great.


I don’t use a laybox as all mine are bio,
I assume yours aren’t bio?
If not then a braplast tub with work, coco fibre and moss xx


I just use sphagnum moss, but as long as they have some type of loose, moist, relatively deep substrate it should be fine :blush: Since mine are in bios, they don’t always use the box but it can also be used as a humid hide so they’re fine to have regardless


Thank you :blush:

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Thank you! At this time mine are not bio.

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Okay thanks! I was thinking of sphagnum moss. I just had a few geckos delivered and that was what was in the deli cups and i really liked it.

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