Learning about Genetics

OD is a great combo it cleans up pattern/slightly reduces and brightens it up! The most obvious to me is the Enchi, the two morphs do similar things, but together= wow. Also since you are just starting out it is not a super expensive gene. Check out things like pastel, Enchi, od with or without lesser and you will see what I mean! Also I am not aware of eye issues with the different lines of albino which are several, but they could very well not see as good but are snakes and I have seen snakes with no eyes function almost completely normal! As for other morphs and issues, ya there’s a lot you should know I will try to link it. But if not search this forum for ball python morph issues and you will see a article that list them all.
Morph Issues [Ball Pythons]
Hope this helps you! Also try to include a pic of your snake, everybody likes reptile pics here!