Beautiful snake and beautiful photo! Love the bright yellow on the black background.
thanks so much. He is very handsome
I swear you could take a picture of a rock in dirt and it would come out looking like a diamond in gold! You’re very talented and thank you again for sharing your passion with us. I love your photos.
thankyou. TBH that is the art of photography. If you can make a mundane drab object look ace, you’re winning. Anyone can take a pic of a nice sunset or landscape and it looks good
You’re welcome. But you’re very humble, my photos of beautiful landscapes and other nature oriented material don’t turn out that well lol. I’ve always had a passion for photography just never had a good eye for how to pull off the shot I’m trying to capture.
See I started to take photos to draw from, sadly as my mental health got worse, the meds got stronger and lithium males me shake. I live fully medicated on a high dose of lithium, anti depressants and antipsychotics. Some days I shake too much to hold the camera. I am also agoraphobic so apart from my garden in the countryside and to visit the psychiatrist I don’t get out. I am a total technophobe. I don’t have a tv, I don’t have a mobile phone. I have an old laptop and my camera. I can’t use photoshop and other editing software. Things go over my head. I can only shoot on manual and what I have learned in the last 12 years with a DSLR has been hard. It just doesn’t come naturally. My saving grace is the ability to compose a shot well. I come from a very arty family and this is how I think I have managed to wing it lol
Thank you for sharing that. We have a lot in common. I don’t use technology unless I absolutely have to. I do have a phone, but I had to learn to use that for my old work when I was a chef. Everything is digital now and it was hard for me to convert to a smartphone, but that life. Sometimes we have to do things and learn things we aren’t comfortable with.
I too suffer from a few mental conditions. I don’t use medication because I’m strongly against it from personal experiences. But I’m in no way against what works for others, that would be ignorance. I’ve tried to overcome those problems with connection to nature and animals, and I’ve found that works for me as some medication works for others.
Hopefully one day I’ll learn the skill of photography as you have. And please keep sharing your photos, they do a lot for many people on here including myself .
For me meds were the last option as TBH I left it and left it and I winded up being sectioned. These drugs have saved my life. I no longer drink or smoke heavily daily. I don’t even drink coke now as it makes me manic. It’s a real game changer not living with severe OCD, disabling anxiety and in suicidal ideation. I’m bipolar with Schizoaffective disorder, social anxiety and agoraphobia. I just don’t like people and dont need to go out lol… Honestly I didn’t believe the meds could do all this. I wish I had gone to get help before. Not waited until I was 35. What will be will be… I lack the feelgoods others have naturally so I need the chemicals that’s all it is. I do supplement with CBD if I do get anxious. Taking pics and seeing the animals also combats this. Totally into animal therapy
I understand that for sure. Everyone needs to find what works for them. There is such a variance with what works for any given person that unfortunately doesn’t work for all.
It took me a long time to figure out what has worked for me. I still have slip ups at times, but thankfully I’ve found someone to help me through the rough times without being judgmental with how my brain works.
I come from a long line of depression in my family, also suffer from being bipolar which as you know doesn’t help lol. Never been a people person and just don’t seem to understand many of them. Luckily now I’ve learned how to control it a majority of the time and have had a gradual increase over the last decade with feeling better about myself and others around me.
I too use CBD at times, that really helps when I’m starting to feel things slip away mentally. Luckily I live in a state that allows the use of such a drug, because it’s helped me a lot in some rough times. But animal therapy is what I’ve found to consistently work for me, with escaping in nature for camping, hikes and just to sit and watch the world around me.
Beautiful work as always @welshmorphology. You always do absoulutely amazing work that captures the beauty of natures beasts. And I too have horrible mental health. Very severe depression suicidal tendecies anxiety social anxiety etc (all of which has been acting up hardcore the last few months). Got horrible frail physical health as well on top of it all which is hard to cope with. If you ever need to talk let me know and Ill dm.