Leopard gecko adventires

I absolutely LOVE warching my geks navigate their enclosures. Especially lune. He uses every single inch of his 40g breeder.

One of the new babies that i haven’t named yet was apparently ready for dinner tonight. Came out earlier than usual for food.

Shes still skittish, but warming up.


Welp. I got in a new boy. Adult, tremper albino. My friend who gave me lune and brava homed him with me because she knows how good of care i take of my critters.

Hes in quarantine for now. He came out to check things out once today so i snapped a really quick pic. So far, temperament wise he seems sweet. It wont take me long to get him hand tame.


He was already out exploring. :heart_eyes:


What type of heating element are you using? I wouldn’t recommend using tape to secure the thermostat probe. It can become soft under heat and/or moisture and stick to the gecko. Instead something like a glue would work better, something that couldn’t come off and be dangerous.


Its under a che right now. What kind of glue? Like hot glue? Ill definiteky switch it, my only concern is this is temporary. Once yes out of quarantinenhell be getting bio. Is it pretty easy to remove ehen its glued on?

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I would only use hot glue if the temperatures stay very low. I would experiment with putting a hot glue stick higher than where it normally would be for a few minutes and seeing if it becomes soft. If it does then use a different type of glue. If it doesn’t become soft when it’s closer to the heat then it normally would be, then it would be perfectly safe to use. Hot glue is easy to remove by holding the glue gun up to the melted glue and letting the metal tip melt the glue. You could also use super glue, which is easy to remove with nail polish remover or acetone. No matter what you use be sure to attach it an inch or two down the wire from the probe, so it doesn’t damage it.

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Added some more fake foliage to enclosures. Brava approves of her new shade, which is CLEARLY an arid plant. I also gave her a different humid hide and she mediately meeded to check it out.


New addition, milo got upgraded and seems to absolutely love his new setup. Out ajd explpring for a good half hour after i finished it. Its not quite finished. I need to get some dried leaves and isopods



What a wonderful leo family! They all look so happy!


Your Leo’s are very lucky and look amazing :blush:

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Thank you both. I try, and i adore these goofy derps.

Milo gave kisses and did some hand holding tonight while i was doing the normal routine.

Lune requesting more buggos after polishing off what id already given him. Pretty there were a couple hiding under him.

And brava dang near attacked my hand when i put her bowl down. Greedy girl. She gets fed every other night right now.

Does anyone keep blue death feigning beetles? Thi king about maybe adding some to my leo enclosures.


I gave my Leo a moss substrate and she is so confused

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