That’s disappointing. After they are positively dead and won’t hatch I would personally dissect them to see what they looked like. It’s likely from the effects of enigma x w & y but that should only affect 25% of the eggs, the others should have hatched fine.
they still possibly can but I’m unsure if the heat would have overheated them to the point of death. right now i have 8 eggs from this pairing and 2 from another pairing. i think the others will hatch and some of the 8 may hatch as well, as only 3 of them seem to be for sure dead. so I’m hoping that the others will hatch but I’m not expecting much. up to the AC crashing all 8 eggs looked to have healthy embryos.
Well the saying goes:
Incubate until there’s no debate.
exactly what im gonna do
decided to dissect the 3 moldy eggs. the first one was just filled with a thick white liquid while the other two seemed in different stages of development. the one egg had a semi formed baby to the point where i could make out limbs and eyes and the other was just a meaty blob. all 3 smelled horrific and its a smell ill never forget LOL. but at least i got some insight into what is going on with their clutch mates.
That’s interesting, where they from the same clutch/parents? If so how many others are there from those parents? Depending on that it could be because of the lethal morph combo or it could just be eggs that went bad.
Another possibility is that one parent can’t be bred due to bad genetics. , which makes that one a pet only.
yeah they were all from the same parents i think its just eggs that had gone bad because the others are still growing.
I just checked the marketplace and it seems like there were quite a few W&Y Enigmas that sold. I still think it could have been from that combo but it seems that it’s not always lethal. It could be comparable to Super Black Pastel in ball pythons.
yeah i think you’re right. the others seem to be good but I’m gonna recandle them tonight.
Candled them after yet another incubator malfunction… seriously getting disheartening. What do y’all think? Still good?
Incubate until it’s obviously not. Definitely don’t handle the eggs too much- if you jostle the embryo and it rotates, it could drown. They could also get too dry easily that way.
If these are from the same parent the parent could be sterile. Make an identical container to the one the eggs are in and place a temperature and humidity gauge in it. It would show the exact temperature that the eggs are in. But, I still see veins in that one so so far I think you’re good.
thank yall. been having a million problems lately.
sadly it looks like we lost all the eggs.