For my first clutch of eggs it is now day 66 and one of the two eggs ( the larger one ) is starting to dimple. I’m assuming it is getting ready to hatch but it has been dimpled with no sign of pipping for 18 hours. So I guess what I’m trying to say is, how long after deflation will they hatch? Also why is only one dimpling? Will the other follow suit shortly?
There are two reasons that the egg has a dent, it can be that the substrate is dry, or that the geckos is going to hatch, what temperature are you incubating the eggs at?
Third possibility- that the egg has gone bad. You will know soon if that’s the case, it will grow mold & smell foul.
At male incubation temps, geckos tend to incubate for much a shorter time, as little as 1 month. At the lowest female temps, I’ve had them take almost 3 months.
Sometimes new breeders get super excited & open the containers to check on the eggs too often, and that can lead to loss of humidity & the dry substrate @kev2004 mentioned.
If you are concerned about humidity but you don’t have a hygrometer, you can add a few drops in the substrate. Don’t add directly to the egg.
83 degrees
At 83 degrees all of the eggs will likely turn out female and it should take just over 2 months/64 days. So your eggs should be hatching any day.
Edited for grammar.
You can crank up ur temp to 88 since it is already sexes locked, I would incubate them at 82 if I want females then I would crank it up to 88 after 25 days.
hoping that they will hatch any day now!
thank yall!!
What was the pairing, could you also post some pics of them when they hatch
inferno W&Y x Tangerine Enigma
Out of curiosity, would there be problems combining Enigma with W&Y? Also what are your experiences with Enigma? I personally likely won’t work with it but I like to learn more about it from people who do.
i honestly don’t know, she was sold to me as a tangerine emerine and not enigma, but after asking around w discovered she was an enigma. she was already paired when i discovered the genetic mix-up. I have never bred this species before until this year so i couldn’t really tell you about possible problems. she is wonderful and has zero signs of ES as well. both of my W&Y show zero signs of neurological problems either.
Keep in mind that with enigma the hatchlings will have varying symptoms of ES. With W&Y most of the animals don’t have symptoms and if the parent doesn’t show symptoms then the hatchlings won’t show symptoms. I don’t think this pairing has ever been done and they could need euthanized. However please update as I am very curious about the outcome.
live and learn i guess. i wish i had know about her genes before hand. but i am also curious to see how this turns out. I’m not too sure they will hatch because her first pair she laid is on day 68 and still hasn’t hatched. i will post pictures if they do hatch.
Crank the temp up to 88 it would speed up the process
Any signs of hatching, you should candle the egg to check
no signs yet my clutches are on day 73, day 48, day 25, day 10 and day 4. so I’m hoping that even if those don’t hatch maybe the later clutches will.
pretty much giving up hope. the AC in my reptile room went out friday and it got up to 98 in my incubator. 3 eggs now have mold starting as well. hopefully my females lay a few more and i can get something to hatch lol.