Leopard gecko ID morph

Hi guys i got these 2 hatching leopard geckos but im not sure what their morph is could someone help ID them please


Without knowing the parentage there’s only so much to go with.

Both have what’s considered an ’ abberant’ or jungle pattern. The one on top is stronger than the other. Some consider that little circle as normal though since it can happen much more often.

The first is an albino. It’s not possible to say which strain of albino though as there are 3 different strains. They are incompatible with each other.

There’s a bit of extra white on the albino, there’s a possibility of a low expression Mack snow gene. But again, without the pairing info impossible to know for sure.

Your 2nd gecko has some good color already. They may brighten up into a low/pet grade tangerine.


Thank you yeah i understand . I didn’t get the parents so i dont know what they where or what gene’s they carried


WOAH! They’re so beautiful! :heart::heart: I have no help to offer I’m still learning morphs,but I didn’t want to tell you that your bebes are precious!

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Thank you yeah im also still learning😅 always new
things to learning in this hobby


If you got them from a breeder that has the parents or
Knows who has the parents maybe they could help you it couldn’t hurt to ask

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