Leopard YB Pied identification

Hello guys, I got this pied girl as leopard poss yb pied 100% het lav, but since she is high white I’m having a hard time identifying leopard and yb.

I’ve watched a few identification videos and posts but still no very on clear on cues to identify it on her since she is high white and low pattern.

Could you give me some feedback.

Ps: She is part of a dreamcicle project with a bh lav male. So really hoping for either leo and yb.

Different photos in different lighting


I can’t offer you any ID help as I’m not familiar with Ball Pythons, but if you’d like to know for certain, MorphMarket offers genetic shed testing for both Leopard and YB done through Rare Genetics Inc. You can get a two test bundle for $75, they’re found here: