This little Albino Western Diamondback has been living life without a name. Let’s name him together and have a little fun. Comment below with names you guys like and once we’ve got a good list of names I’ll set up a poll and let you guys choose the winner.
Sunny would be fun
Stunner, like stone cold Steve Austin(the rattlesnakes) finishing move from WWE!
Jake. As in Rattlesnake Jake from Rango. He was also a western diamondback in the movie and such a cool character overall.
how about Maraca?
In the same vein as @athleticshoelace, Castanet or Crotalum (from which the genus Crotalus derives its name).
@banereptiles @logar @athleticshoelace @noodlehaus @lumpy @scissortailscales
All great ideas! I’ll throw DJ Diamond in which was suggested on IG. We’ll give it today and I’ll start a poll tonight so everyone can vote!
Albert- Alb(bino) West(ern)- and the T is in the wrong place, but I still think it works, haha
Orm. Means snake in Nordic Mythology
Ooh, great possibilities so far. I’m gonna throw in another.
Hot Stuff, because he is - for all the reasons!
Love this! Hot Stuff would be great.
What? And Steve wouldn’t be?
Zitronenschlange (lemon snake), Zitro for short.
Lol , no, that is great too. I personally hope that Sunny is considered
I don’t know about a name, but that would be the best password ever!! No one would in a million years would guess that!!
Alright, I’ve created another thread with a poll, everyone go vote and let’s get this guy a name.