Let’s see some Inverts

Sounds logical to me! Is he into reptiles and inverts, or not so much?

Even if he’s not, isopods are so cute and non-threatening, I feel like they’re an invert most people can appreciate.


:joy:. @cmills & @jawramik I can remember playing outside as a kid and seeing the little roly polys on the sidewalk. I would touch them and they would just roll up! I think they have been around way longer than I have! :joy:


He is! He is just more laid back and will allow me to go crazy with researching what to get and how to put the enclosure together (win win!). He’s just happy with whatever creatures I’ll bring home :joy:


He sounds like a keeper! :+1:

@caron, I used to play with them as a kid too, usually when I was “helping” my mom in the garden. I’ve never been all that into gardening (I like plants, I just suck at taking care of them), but I always enjoyed all the fun critters I’d find while digging around. Sometimes I get to take the guys at work into our orchard/garden there, and get to relive my childhood digging up isopods and millipedes. I’ve even gotten some of the participants to start calling them isopods instead of “roly polies” or “sow bugs.”


:joy: I remember when I first heard the word “isopod” I thought it had something to do with cameras!

Back then I suppose I could have looked up “roly poly” in the Encyclopedia Britiannica to find the technical term! :joy:


Wow! You are surely blessed in that regard!!! :+1::+1:


I seriously am so lucky! I can’t wait until the day comes when I can show you guys our first apartment that I inevitably stuuf full of plants and animals :joy:


Look at this cute little spider I found while making an animal house


That looks like the little crab like spider in my garage…


My Caribena versicolor just molted!!!


My zebra isopods are finally breeding! I’ll need to get some new blood soon when I can afford it, the family tree here is a wreath.

My commons and silvers are goings nuts as usual!


Pheebs has a visitor! Perhaps forbidden love?

My Bold Jumper is being visited by a big adult female of the same type. She’s either curious about Pheebs just because here is another spider that she can’t reach, or because Pheebs might really be a young male and she’s a cougar on the prowl! They are very aware of each other but Pheebs hasn’t tried to dance to impress her, that I have seen.


Super cute! I wonder what they think about each other. Maybe the wild one sees your girl as competition and wants to make sure she’s staying away from her prey and/or boyfriends. (They’re both female, yes?)

@cmills, congrats on all the isopod propagation! But yeah, probably best to add some more branches to the zebras’ family tree soon. :joy:


Over 30 isopods now from 3 survivors, that’s worse than a Kentucky Derby horse :sob: :joy:


I am not fully sure, as it’s difficult to tell what sex Pheebs is until they get a bit older. This encounter gives me a comparison, and so far they’re coming down on the He side, in favor of being a Phoebus rather than a Phoebe. I wish I knew what they both were thinking!
“Hey, what you doing inside this box? Is the food good?”


How cool is that?! I love this picture. Watching creatures interact with other creatures is always so interesting to me.


I’m sad to report that I think Tala the wolf spider is entering her last days. :cry: She’s been refusing food for the last few weeks. I’ve tried different prey, smaller sized prey, hobbled prey, all with no luck. She’s been spending more time in her cave and hasn’t been moving around her enclosure like she used to, and her abdomen is looking pretty thin. Not sure what else I can do, or that there is really anything to do at this point. As of right now, she’s still with us, but I think she’s coming to the end of her life cycle.

I’ve decided that when she passes, I’m going to take her body to the meadow where I released a lot of her babies. Seems like it would be a nice way for her to “return to the wild” in a sense.


Awwww I am so sorry Jennifer! :smiling_face_with_tear: You knew this day was coming. But you also know in your heart that you did the very best for her and her babies, and she will live on in them until the end of the age. Literally.

I do feel sad :disappointed: in my own heart for her as well as for you though. But Tala was able to live out her days graciously instead of being squashed on a sidewalk. In fact she lived like a queen with you and now she has a safe cozy home to draw her last breath. And it is good that you chose the meadow as her resting place. She will have the proper burial that she so rightly deserves. :heart:

You know God mourns every sparrow that falls to the earth, as He loves all His creation. I am sure He will mourn little Tala as well.

Again, I am sorry. But think of all the little wolf spider babies being created because of your kindness to Miss Tala.

God bless you Jennifer. :pray::heart:


Thanks, Caron, you’re the sweetest.:heart: She’s lasted so much longer than I expected, and it’s been so awesome to care for her. I’m so glad I found her when I did and was able to help her add to the local wolf spider population with all her little babies. She’ll be missed, but she’s given me a love and appreciation for wolf spiders that I’ll carry with me all my life.


My curly hair Charlie ate some crickets yesterday. He or she is always out being social. I put my hand on the side of the enclosure and this is what happened next……