I have some of my millipedes in another post. Here is a curly hair tarantula.
And this may be a future investment:
I have some of my millipedes in another post. Here is a curly hair tarantula.
And this may be a future investment:
Love the T! Not so sure about the bugs😬
I’m not sure about them either. They are giant burrowing roaches from Australia that cost $250 to $350 for a sexed juvenile pair. That pair will take 3-5 years of their 10 year lifespan to mature and then produce 3-20 offspring per year that the female will nurture for 6+ months before they can be separated. They are definitely a specialty animal to work with.
Only inverts I have are millipedes! They are Orthoporus Ornatus and I definitely want a G. Pulstripes T!
Welp, idk what I expected when I clicked on this thread. I feel itchy now, thanks.
I do kinda want a large jumping spider, or a Mexican Red-knee tarantula for the sake of making my mom scream when I walk in with it on my head.
I’m also hoping to have a jumping spider one day! I’ve always found them so entertaining! In terms of tarantulas, I hope one day to have an Indian Ornamental (if I’m remembering name correctly), but definitely not to hold. I’ve held a tarantula before (and of course I would in an emergency), but I don’t want to hold a spider pet regularly. They’re too delicate, and I’m clumsy and afraid of being bitten- ironic, considering all the other things that have bitten me in the past.
I am a huge fan of millipedes! Though I hate centipedes. I’ve also grown rather fond of my itty-bitty dubia roach “colony,” they just always look so serious while they scurry around. There were sow bugs/rolypolys in some of the places I grew up, but I haven’t really noticed any around where I live now in WA, USA. I kept hermit crabs for a long time, and I loved having them!
Nice T. Too bad the roachs reproduce so slow, they are big enough to use for savanna monitors and I bet my tegu would like them too.
I know them as corn spiders because they are always in corn fields here . They are called the “Yellow garden spider” on the internets though. Banana spiders look a lot different, and are huge compared to these guys.
Funny all the different names, out here, southern Alabama, any large spider in a round web are called banana spiders. We have two or three types that all are similar.
I believe if Im not mistaken that thats a baby C. versicolor. As far as new world Ts go thats the species Id love to have. Too bad I cant keep vemomous pets of any kind thanks to city bylaw. Beautiful baby you have there (even if Im wrong on the species)
I love the light colored one on top. What kind of millipede is it?