(Thought I would share this invert related information) These markings are the dirty work of the emerald ash boarer,. I rarely have seen one but the damage they are causing is intense. You can identify thier damage by little D-shaped holes in the bark of mainly ash trees. They then eat all the “meat” between the bark and the tree essentially killing the tree. You can pull the bark away once it hits this point if it doesn’t just fall away on it’s own. We no longer have any Ash left on our campus. They are a tiny, brilliant emerald green pest.
My first turantula. Texas Brown. Granted we have tons of them in the yard. This is the first indoor one.
Found this little guy in my house yesterday so we basically roommates anyways. His new room should be here on Tuesday.
Aaaaaah! So cute! I am terrible at identifying arachnids, but that’s a jumping spider, yeah? I LOVE jumping spiders!!
And with spiders people all extra about it too. They wanna know scientific name. I just make ‘em up. Southern Tejano Jumpalumpacus. Nailed it!
Picked up a few slings today. Arizona Blonde, Green Bottle Blue, Curley Hair, Mexican Red Leg and Mexican Red Rump. And one Adult because I know the limitations of my patience for my 1/4” baby
Awesome, I love the Greenbottle blues. They are very pretty as adults. The amount of red on the abdomen, and the bluish green legs just complete the aesthetic. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens are a really amazing species, though I’ve never even kept a spider as a pet. It doesn’t owning a spider species one day though. Definitely keep posting pictures as you grow those slings up.
Nice! A cute lil jumpy spidey and what I’m guessing is either an Asian forest or Emperor Scorp.
This is my guess because of the size of the pinchers
I adore jumping spiders!! I’ve never had one of my own, but it’s on my bucket list for sure!
Jumping spiders are tiny but are so cute are are probably among some of the most intelligent lil spiders. I saw a random youtube vid once where one was trained to give lil hi-fives with one of its front legs on a human’s fingertip.
I’m normally not an invert guy…but I’ve always loved Tarantulas (other spiders freak me out…I always think the smaller the spider the more punch comes from their bites LOL.
Anyway, was getting my dog some things from Petco and noticed that they had a Mexican Red Knee T sling that they were literally putting it in it’s habitat as I got in…and had zero clue what they were doing. No hide. No water. On alfalfa pellets. So I figured I’d just save the head ache and save it! After fattening her up with a couple of hornworms my beardie didn’t want she went into pre molt and just popped out yesterday! Very excited to see her growth over the years.
They advertised it as an Emperor but I can’t lie I don’t know the difference. We got a little sling Velvet Spider too but it’s like 1/32 of an inch so I quickly gave up on getting pictures of it.
They’re really fun. The one downside I’ve found is their lifespan. Being a short lived species is sad.