Do you have a variety of a morph in your collection that you feel is a true trophy example of that morph? Something just extra high quality that youre proud to own or breed?
Whether its a single gene, or packed to the max lets see what is is!
Ill start out, I have an Enchi bee girl who is right around 1100 grams now and she was very bright yellow as a hatchling and super clean (one of the reasons I picked her) and now well into adult hood she is still so dam bright, yellow, and clean. I feel most other examples ive seen at her age have definitely started to brown out and are looking far more dingy and not so yellow anymore. Then again, I could be biased because even though I have more “sought after” morphs in my collection, shes my favorite snake
Ill include her baby pic as well as a current one (at least most current I have, shes in shed right now)
My butter female, Butters. I think she’s a nice example of the gene, she looks so pretty.
Though I could be wrong, I haven’t had any other butters to compare her with I had a lesser male that I sold but they looked completely different:
(note: they were in the tub just long enough for me to snap a pic at the time!)