Let's see your snake rooms

ARS rack is not being used yet, just planning for the future.


Dude, that wooden wall is really nice :+1:
I’m buzzing for you, this is a big step forward :muscle:.

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Thanks, that wood wall is from like the 80s. The whole room was covered in it and it was really dark. It was also the only wall I could insulate from the other side. The addiction goes no farther than this room. And the room next door, the rat room.

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Damn, that’s likely older than myself then :joy::wink:. it’s holding up extremely well.

I can’t see you outgrowing this space anytime soon (unless you have gravid females in every one of them tubs :joy: ). it will be worth every penny and minute spent building it. :muscle:


Glad to see others are using there basements properly! Here’s my setup I’m need another rack or two. And eventually I would like to move my rodent colony out of my basement.


I have a small collection and a small room.