Leucistic Rat Snake Question

Do leucistic rat snakes change color as they grow? Specifically I am wondering if they become pure white with age. Most of the baby leucistic rat snakes I have seen have a yellow or pinkish tone to them (sometimes both). I’m referring to eastern/westerns in particular. Either way I love this snake!


They start out pinkish as babies and become pure white as adults. I recommend getting ones that don’t have the bug-eyes as they have a higher chance of injury/rupturing. Easterns (in this case black rat snake lucies) are ones I recommend the most. Less angry as babies (usually) and easier to tame. They also seem to have bug-eyes less often.


Thank you :slight_smile: I thought of another question to ask you which you may or may not have the answer to- I’ve seen lots of babies with very light silver eyes but many adults with dark blue/gray eyes. Could it be possible they get darker as grow? Similarity they get more white scales vs pink with age?