Lifted scales?

Hey all~

Still fairly new with ball pythons and such. Im doing a metric ton of research, but was looking for some opinions or information on what this coukd mean?

My little boy Tequila has some scales on his sides close to his belly that appear to be lifted slightly.

The skin itself looks healthy and not red or pink with irritation. (I noticed this after he pooped on me. :joy:)

His humidity is nice and between 50-70%. This is maintained with a mister and coconuts coir substrate
Hot side is right in the low 90s, and the cooler side is in the low 80s.

I do occassionally see him coiled up on his cork branch right under the heat emmiter.

Any opinions are welcome.


This is very normal - scales are not completely hard things, they can bend and twist a bit. Often this happens when the snake lies up against something for an extended period of time. He’s just done something to slightly shape them weird, but nothing at all to worry about.


Oh thank you, lol. I was hoping it wasnt something like scale rot or something. Appreciate it :slight_smile:


If there is swelling or fluid involved, that can be an issue. This is not the case for your baby. As Inspiration Exotics said, this is normal.

It’s something that is definitely more noticeable on a lighter color snake as well. I don’t usually see this on my darker snakes. Snakes that are even lighter than yours, like lucys or albinos with the white they will sometimes look a bit pink as well from the area being pinched a bit while coiled.


Gotcha. Makes sense lol. Appreciate the feedback.


For your temps, warm side should be 89° max, with 85-88° more ideal since fluctuations occur sometimes. Cool side I like to keep 78-82°. You’ll hear differing opinions on exact temps to keep, but usually anything over 90° can cause a burn. That’s a pretty snake, by the way!


@jaxxter Agree with @gina5678. Your temper are waaaay too hot. Temps should be no higher than 88. As Gina said, temperatures fluctuate in the wild which a lot of people seem to forget.



Well thank you!

Ill lift the heat emitter so we dont have an emergency on our hands lol. Much appreciated