Also @ghoulishcresties the new profile picture is crazy awesome!
Also @ghoulishcresties the new profile picture is crazy awesome!
Those cute giant eyes 🥹
Loving the new logo @ghoulishcresties ! Did you design it?
Thankyou, no it was actually Kirsty! Karma Skulls She’s brilliant! She’s actually working on some other bits for me currently
I’ve just ordered an iPad Pro though so I will be starting to design some bits myself finally!
please bear with me im new to the community
here’s another one
feel free to post your own memes here too
I grabbed a couple memes from Reddit. They were too funny
Only isopod keepers will get this: Can we just forget this genus please?
Does anyone have a reptile like this?
Me in my first try at a paludarium:
Talking lineage can be so confusing:
I relate so much to the reptile ones that it’s not even funny lol
Ah man, I’m sure my family would recognize me in a heartbeat. I’m absolutely the looney dude with the “Beautiful Mind” style breeding plans. Even if I am a woman!
Art by laurelhach of tumblr!
I think if we added my baby African House Snake he’d be “Nervous Shoelace”
Yep. My once calm and gentle blood python has decided that he wants to go a different path. And with two small grandsons in the house and the spouse not liking the larger snakes, he just might go down that other path to another home.
is it sad im a mix of all of them
I am 100% leopard gecko.