If that’s the case you can always go the route my crazy father does. Pack an Epi-pen and pre-game on Benadryl before he goes to red lobster or one of those buffet deals with the peel and eat shrimp on another note if he ever gets an itch to try the tubs of isopods I keep in the reptile room he’s gonna have to pay me back a little more than the cost of a shrimp dinner. Lol.
Has he ever had to use the epi-pen for seafood? I recently developed a seafood allergy but really really miss crab and lobster, so I’m considering risking it and just loading up on Benadryl
He’s never had to but I’m sure it depends on the severity of the allergy. The Benadryl has been doing him fine for years. He’s always packed the other as a “just in case”. Don’t take this as gospel though since I’m not a medical professional .
My mom and I still think he’s a nut for going through all that but I’d probably be fairly salty if I all of a sudden couldn’t enjoy crabs lobster and shrimp.
Im right there with your father on this. I would die before denying myself the wonderful flavor of cajun boiled shrimp
I have only had crab and lobster once before becoming allergic (darn Dubias…) but it was DIVINE.
The one reason I will never get dubia roaches. I like my shrimps too much lol.
This is sort of a throwback, but this happened today I was carrying around my new arrivals and my dad went “So how much did this one cost?”. I had to tell him that it was $700 isopods
I just sent him this meme. Hopefully he will be a bit less mad knowing that even Troy spends all his money on BPs.
EDIT: A thought just struck my brain. For you UK people, do movies and voices made in America get remade with an English accent? I was thinking about how Zac Efron would sound if he was from the UK…
My mind has been all over the place today.
Nevermind that last part. Please disregard. I just remembered that Harry Potter has an English accent.
21 posts were split to a new topic: Roaches and Seafood Allergies
That’s amazing😅
Happy Py-day!
Lol the woma python. But these are all cute. I love it!
I’ll take the nerd.