Lineage question

I was wondering a little bit about how lineage work. I recently purchased a charcoal gecko. If I paired it to a non charcoal gecko, what would the offspring be considered to be?
Half-charcoal? Charcoal? Not charcoal?

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The usage of charcoal is all over the place tbh, but i’d label it as from charcoal lines :thinking:

If you got charcoals out then they’re charcoals, if you didn’t then it’s from charcoal lines.

Charcoals are just a line of dark phantoms someone named.

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So if the offspring looks like a charcoal it is a charcoal, and if it doesn’t look like a charcoal it’s from charcoal lines?
Am I understanding correctly?

Basically charcoals are dark phantoms.
If your other gecko is het phantom you’ll get more phantoms out. If not then will all be charcoal line x

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