I second the fig and insect with the growth and breeder. Another thing I’ve been doing is switching it up weekly. I go all iron chef with the CGD and get creative with combos. That way I can see what they like a little easier. I’ve also used bee pollen to varying degrees of success.
I also don’t know what you’re using for food bowls, but I ended up getting contact cases for the hatchlings so I can use the covers and base, and still monitor food intake.
One thing we did with Kain when he wouldn’t eat anything, was mix fruit purée in with the repashy. I’d purée the fruit myself and mix it in with the prepared CGD. it was like…the smallest bit, but it worked. I don’t know if that’s something that would work, @ghoulishcresties knows better than I.
I wouldn’t use fruit puree as they usually have additional additives & things in them (which could be harmful)but blending fresh fruit occasionally is okay, just make sure they are a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 2:1 Or it won’t be very nutritious for the Crestie. However, food is better than no food so you could experiment a little (make sure it is safe).
Bee pollen is suppose to be great (but addictive so use sparingly) I didn’t use this directly, but I bought a food mix that contained it and it definitely worked for my fussy gecko.
Well here are some new pictures of the little dude. Still hasn’t really put on much mass, but I know he’s eating. Gained maybe 1/2" in length. Lots more spots on him too.
Hello I’m wondering if your little one grew anymore over the years. I have what I believe to be a dwarf as well. I have a one year old hatchling that weighs 5g, eats their cgd and mealworms, but will not grow. While their siblings are easily four times their size. So I’m curious if this could be dwarfism.
This is my crestie Spike. He’s a year and a half old and won’t eat insects unless we basically force him, although i’m still trying. According to my crestie knowledge he’s a lot smaller than he should be at this age. He eats fig and insect and growth and breeder. Forgot to mention he could also be a she, there are npv but we’ve just been going with he since we got him. I’m trying to get his weight right now but the scale isn’t even registering when i put him on it so i’ll have to try a different scale when i get the chance.
(Ignore the mess, im in my sisters room lol)
Edit: He could also be a normal size for his age, just when i was looking at geckos his age they all seemed to be bigger. If i had to guess he probably weighs around 11 grams
TBF your gecko looks healthy. Geckos that do not eat insects tend to take longer to grow.
I’ve got a male here that I bought several years ago, he took ages to grow (not in my care). This also showed in most of his offspring… The male hit a certain weight then boom! I do feed insects. So sometimes it’s genetic
As long as they aren’t showing signs of dehydration, malnourishment, pests and are active lil creatures that poop okay, then I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.
I use to crush up insects and put them into the cgd to help the Geckos that don’t eat insects. I haven’t done this with the babies I might try it again