Little Crestie?

I was offered this little one as a pet-only buy and wanted some opinions. I only have these pictures and her word about hi/her.

" I believe he/she is a Dwarf. Hasn’t been growing has been this size for a year eats bugs and all the Pangea. Not picky at all."

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How old is this suppose to be?.. A year old?..

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Ok so to me and at that size, that’s probably around 2/3 months old. I do not think it’s a year old at all. I have A ‘small’ year old Crestie here. He Was a slow grower and he’s nothing like that.

Also I have Pumpkin, she’ll be 3 next year. She’s ‘small’ and has issues bless her. But again, nothing like that… Pumpkin is the smallest adult Crestie I’ve actually seen.

I think they’re not telling the truth… Just my opinion.

Here’s a 4 month old>


This little one is a month and a half old>
So I think 2/3 months old personally. A year old and that size I have never seen or heard of before. As said Pumpkin is the smallest adult I’ve seen myself (which is why I got her, and to stop anyone using her for breeding because of her morph).

Here’s Pumpkin, these are from September, I haven’t got any of her fired :sweat_smile: She’s a little beautiful red drippy tricolour. Couldn’t say no :blush:


Yeah she may be. Kinda thought that myself. But I’ll take a chance and pick it up. Gonna be a pet only anyway.

I did ask her again about it though.

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If you find it grows well with you, then you can be 100% sure they aren’t telling the truth at all. Not sure why they’d lie but I don’t think they’re telling the truth so… :sweat_smile:

And it can be bred then too if that’s something you’re looking at doing. Get some pics of size, then get some more in a few months and compare! :blush:

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What would you say his morph is? I can see a few little dal spots on it.

Does look like a beautiful partial pin with dal spots

I had this issue with my first Crestie years ago. She was just so tiny… Even as an adult. I put it down to too high incubation and wasn’t able to grow steadily in the egg, but as I bought her, it was hard to prove.

Can you ask incubation temps and how many days? For what it’s worth I kept Crestie as pet only and she lived about 10 years.

I’ve got some Cresties on the small side for a year old, but not quite that small!

I think it’s climate here though, as fudge was a slow grower, then all of a sudden his massive!

#EDIT# Looks like a reverse, partial pinstripe with Dal spots and portholes


Partial pinstripe Dalmatian, has over 25 spots and more will come out as it grows :blush:
Traits- portholes.


OK here is the little one. I was told it was 1 1/2 years old. I was also told that it probably had dwarfism. Can’t find anything online about dwarf cresties.

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I haven’t done much research on dwarf Cresties as when I had mine the internet didn’t exist like it does now (I sound old lol).

My Crestie lived a slightly shorter life than i wanted (approx 10 years) but still did everything she should (accept grow) I can’t remember her max weight but she wasn’t close to 35g as that was the acceptable breeding weight back then and I had hoped to breed her, but wouldn’t take my chances as she was too small.

Cresties can take up to 3 years to mature so they’re is still time! Maybe it’s a slow grower? But if not it should still make a great pet :relaxed:

Cute lil Crestie either way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yeah its gonna replace the tarantula on my desk when we get her new home set up. But we will weigh her in a few days and try and get some size on her…or him.

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I don’t think that’s her age to be honest, no known ‘dwarfism’ in Cresties. They come in all sizes like every animal and the smaller I’ve seen is pumpkin as I said to you 🥲
She looks quite slim too, and I would say looking at her she’s around 4 months old roughly going by size.
She how she gets on with you growth wise and keep us updated! :blush:
If she starts growing well then you can take it as she’s a lot younger than you were told!


Growth depends on a lot of things, but I have found that warmth of a big factor. It’s quite cold in the winter here so I find growth is minimal.

But in the summer, temps are high (not higher than 29c) so growth is more.

So it is possible that she or he is 1 1/2 and just kept at lower temps

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How’s this one doing now? :blush:

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Well it still doesn’t eat a whole lot. Tried different insects and doesn’t seem terribly interested in most of them. Hasn’t gained much weight. Still around 5 or 6 grams. He’s getting a new bio enclosure by this weekend.

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Not even Pangea/repashy? :confused:

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Yeah he eats a little of that. I’m honestly pretty worried.

If not interested in insects, I’d try using the fig and insect Pangea (massive fav here) and also mix icy with breeder and growth one.

(Unless you do that alfeady)


I’ll definitely try mixing some, forgot about the insect containing meals.

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