Lizards appearing in fish section?

To report a bug please complete the following form in as much detail as possible.

About the bug

  • When browsing “All freshwater fish”, lizards are showing in results

Summary of the issue:

  • When clicking “all freshwater fish” some of the results are lizards. At first I thought it was a mislabel since these ads are by the same seller but they are showing on ad page proper info.
  • through some experimentation while filling out this report I discovered they are being considered Catfish and can also be found there.

Expected results:

  • Only freshwater fish should be shown

Actual results:

  • Random lizards are trying to be aquatic lol

Links to pages the bug is affecting:

  • “All Freshwater Fish”
  • Freshwater > “All Catfish”

When did you first notice it?:

  • December 10th, 2024

Steps to reproduce the problem?:

Aquatics > Freshwater fish > All
Aquatics > Freshwater > Catfish > All

Is this happening on the website, app or both?:

-App, have not tested web

If its happening on the app, please tell us what version number you have installed:

  • App ver - 1.7.3-78 / 2024.12.10.4a9e

Additional notes:

About your device

Device brand:


Device model:

Pixel 8 Pro

Browser name:

Browser version:


  • Screenshot of “All Freshwater Fish”

  • Screenshot of one of the lizard ads showing it assigned to the proper category.

Please add as many screenshots as possible that could help explain what you are experiencing.


This is not a “bug” so much as it is that the seller made a mistake when uploading their ad

The best thing to do in a situation like this is to click on the little flag icon you can see on options bar on the right side of the photo:

That flag is the “report” function and it allows you to send a message to the Customer Service team that there is a problem