Hey everyone! So I have a friend turning some old dressers into cages for me! They’re gonna be 4x2x16” or so. I breed ball pythons and have a pet BCI, and I’m looking for recommendations on other species!
I know for sure I’m gonna get a rainbow boa at some point, but I’m debating on a new species or another BCI? Will be doing research on any species of course! Im curious what you all think. I prefer docile snakes that aren’t prone to biting! Picture for attention
Gotta give three cheers for corn snakes! There’s a color and a pattern for virtually everyone, unless the only colors you like are green and true blue. They’re friendly, curious, and most are reasonable active in their enclosures. I’ve had many of them as classroom pets, and they’re always a hit. Not a bitey species at all.
Corn snakes would work well, also look into honduran (or any species of) milk snakes, they are great for display enclosures and they are docile as adults.
I will toss up House Snakes as the rising surprise in snake keeping. They’re very python-like, reminding me of a tiny more chill Retic. Like a micro-retic. AND they can be bought or bred into some stunning colors! They’re docile, and don’t get very large.
You could also go ground boa. Like dumerils Pine snakes or some bull, gopher snakes can be big active snakes, and mine were extremely docile, one of the species that seemed never to be head shy. Of course you always have a chance of getting a grumpy snake of most species as well.
I don’t know why I didn’t think of linking this before, but I made a thread asking about small colubrids, so you can find some good recommendations in this thread: Colubrid Recommendations
Lots of great ideas here, although it would be a great while before they won’t get lost in that huge space. (As babies of course). A short tail python would be a great way to go. Or a Central American boa is another option.
A short tailed python species would work great for that size enclosure. If you’ve ever been disappointed that ball pythons don’t come in red or black, STPs have you covered. Though you’ll want to be sure the bottom of the enclosure is well-sealed, because they do tend to let loose quite a lot of liquid urine from time to time. It’s not difficult to clean…unless it seeps into the bottom of the enclosure or starts leaking out along the seams.
A rosy boa might be another fun option. Typically very docile, great eaters, and as I understand it, they tend to be fairly active and fun to observe. They also come in a variety of localities and colours.
Always been interested in short tail pythons (specifically Sumatrans)! Might be the route I go, but they’re so pretty I might have to get another cage for a second one
Lol! I have a young Borneo because the price was right and he has been great! Just a word of caution though. STP’s tend to get heavy so the enclosure probably needs to be reinforced on the bottom…… Can’t wait to see what you choose!
STPs are awesome! I love how big and chonky they are, I love their heads, and I love their colours. I have a blood python, but if I ever get another STP, it’ll probably be a Sumatran. Love the black and silver. But I love the Borneos too!
My blood girl is an absolute doll. They’re really wonderful, underrated snakes in my opinion.
I mean honestly, I would just get another boa. But I am probably super bias due to my love of boa . It is that they are just so wonderful and have a perfect size to girth ratio. And not to mention, they have awesome personalities! Maybe a photo will help convince you lol .
False water cobra, egyptian false cobra, woma python, solomon island boa, tricolor hognose, Madagascar giant hognose, vietnamese blue beauty ratsnake, african egg eating snake, indigo snakes, yellow, black, brown tail cribos, blood python, rosy boa, rubber boa, californian red sided garter snake, mexican black kingsnake, brooks kingsnake, the list is long so i’m gonna end it here