Looking for Egyptian Tortoises

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for breeder that sells Egyptian Tortoises? I would like to purchase one or two depending if they’re selling a bundle.

Thank you

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It will likely be a bit difficult to find as the species is considered critically endangered.

Your best bet is to keep an eye on the marketplace side of things as sales are a nono on the forums.


Oh didn’t know that thank you for helping. I will keep an eye out. I really appreciate your help.

Thank you


No problem!
It looks like there’s a handful of them sold on the marketplace, but again, very rare so another may not show up for a bit.
If anything you can do a search for sold tortoises with Egypt as the keyword and find a couple of breeders to look out for or ask questions.


Welcome to the forum and good luck with your quest! :turtle::blush:

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I may be mistaken but I thought I heard they had been bumped to full ESA protection. If this is correct, that requires a federal permit for purchase/sale. Any reputable breeder should be able to help with that