Looking for information on Type 2 Anerythristic

I recently just bought this male Type 2 Anerythristic RDR BEA. I was curious as what morph of boas would be good to breed him with. I’m have a hard time finding any information explaining how the type 2 morph is used for other morphs. If somebody could help me with this knowledge or point me in the right direction of finding it. It would greatly be appreciated


Great looking boa! Love the dark eyes.

RDR BEA has been worked into quite a few combos. Best bet is to start off on the for sale section under traits, RDR anery. You’ll see all kinds of awesome combos in there. If you see one you like, the traits (genes) will be listed in the add. That will give you a great starting point. If you see a combo that grabs you and want help figuring out what dam you’d need for the pairing I’m sure the community would love to help you out :raised_hands:

Personally, the RDR ghosts look awesome to me. IMG makes them crazy dark if that’s what attracted you to Anery BEA in the first place.


:point_up_2:This is a perfect reply. :point_up_2:

Good luck with your hunt for additional animals to add to your collection.


Welcome to the family @sindogg! These guys plus more will help you with anything you need! This is a wonderful place to be! Stick around and you’ll see!

Best wishes for great success with your breeding plans! :snake::blush::+1: