Looking for some input please

Hello everyone!
I’ve been a keeper for a long time now all ball pythons just just wanted some input from the community on this beautiful girl, my son picked her out from a local reptile store they had her marked as a fire but i think there is possibly something different, so let me know what you think.


Looks pretty fire to me, possibly could have yellow belly. Belly pics may help. Nice looking pattern on it for sure!


Here you go. Belly pic


No doesn’t look like yellow belly to me from that pic. It’s got a real nice slightly odd pattern though. So much natural variation it could be just a nice fire type animal. The first pic almost looks like it has granite in it, but that is speculation on my part and hard to tell for sure unless you knew the parents genetics. Ther is always a chance especially at a pet store that it is carrying het. Genetics. Like it could be heterozygous for pied, hypo, clown, any type of recessive morph which unless you know the pairing or do genetic testing you may never know for sure. Sorry I couldn’t give you a more definitive answer, very good looking python though! Enjoy!


No worries at all she dose have some oddities to her that why I wanted to show ppl when she gets up to size I have a Leo pied i want to pair her with to see what happens…lol the whats so great about balls you never know what your going to get its a surprise each time. Thank you for your imput here is my leo pied male. He is a high very high white pied.


Very nice! Good luck with your future pairing!


could send in a shed and have it tested for hets if you are really interested in knowing.


Love the crazy pattern. I wouldn’t be able to tell you what exactly but the brightness on the dorsal and the bit of blushing does look like something from the fire complex. The side pattern/alien heads still look a bit granite-ish to me with the darker spots so that’s what makes me wonder if there was something else hiding, but who knows.

Pet store finds can be crazy good sometimes. One of my leopard geckos I picked up at a big box was a super hypo albino for 20$. Another was a super snow for the same pricetag.
The downside is yeah, you can never really know what else is going on with the genetics so sometimes that can open a whole new can of worms.


Beautiful snakes! The first one definitely looks like my Fire! Enjoy!


Both snakes are very nice! Good luck with your future project! :blush:


I’d say defo fire i have a fire with a very similar head stamp,so much varation in fire,lovely animal good luck with the pairing regards Tony