Looking For Something New

I have heard of the mussurana, but I’ve never seen them offered. Another rear-fanged, snake eater! I will absolutely look into this one. I like the idea of working with something uncommon and possibly decoding best care practices and such. Thanks for the suggestion!


I’ve been on the brink of getting a pair for awhile.

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My personal recommendation is look into beauty snakes and king ratsnakes, or maybe some of the European ratsnakes (Leopards, Aesculapians, etc). My baby leopards especially have that general ratsnake flighty/bitey attitude. I’d also look into Machete snakes, though those are typically imported.


I’ve never really considered European ratsnakes. I’ll have to look into those as well. I have kept Taiwanese Beauties before - they were unique and very curious.
Thanks for the recommendations!

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Just go all the way and get a pair boelens.


One of my dream snakes are boelens and whitelipps! It’d be amazing to get them both


Blairs pahse and alterna phase are still a thing :+1:t4:
I am a big fan of bredli, they are a bomb-proof species and are great for display and handling. Blackheads are a great species as well if you want something with a bit more spunk to it.

If you are looking for more exotic, egg-eaters and the different Asian rat snakes make for some fun additions that are not super challenging.

If you want to go further into the esoteric - kukri snakes, Rhamphiophis, rough-scale pythons…


Thanks everyone for all the suggestions - you’ve given me some great options to look into!

Off topic- - - As such, here in DFW, we are struggling through this winter storm. My family has been without power for over 24 hrs at this point. My reptiles are also without heat unfortunately. Hopefully everything we’ve done to try to keep them warm will make a difference. Everyone - please be safe and take care of each other.


:joy::joy::joy: that cracks me up, nice word play!


If you need it, there have been a number of people around Dallas area who have volunteered to host people’s snakes until this winter storm is over. It’s really hard to keep your house warm enough, let alone a bunch of snakes without power. There have definitely been a fair amount of losses already. I’m in Houston and lucky to still have power and have offered up a few heat packs/to house a few snakes for the next few nights, but so far nobody has taken me up on it


Trans Pecos Rat Snake. Giant adorable eyes.

Sorry to hear you are without heat. I’m in Mesquite, myself and still have mine, although the electric company did turn my power off lady week before this storm hit because I only had enough money in my disability pay to give them half a payment for the month. Luckily my uncle up in Arkansas came through and helped me pay the bill. My brother and his family were without power for three days and just got it back yesterday. The inside of their house was 36 degrees! My neighbors are without power, also.

I’m a little late to the discussion but as a keeper and breeder of carpet pythons I strongly recommend the Morelia genus. I find them to be awesome for variety of color, pattern and localities. They have great personalities are very handleable vs GTPs(although a great display) and are both active but not crazy when handling and a good size without being too large, good eaters and many can tolerate cooler temps. A nice Diamond pair is on my wish list. I’ve got some nice pics if you’d like a few for motivation.
As a 2nd I’d suggest many of the Asian/Indo rat species like blue beauties and mandarins. Goodluck, send some pics if you pick up something new.


If you want you can pm me to motivate me, LOL :joy:

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I’m in New England so I feel your pain as I experience that at least once every winter. I’ve since invested in a gas generator for such emergencies but in the past I’ve used hand/foot warmer packets to get through a day or 2.


Carpets have come up a lot. I was actually just reading up on the Rough Scaled Python (Morelia carinata), which could be interesting. A Diamond Python would be outstanding! Which Morelia ssp. would you recommend for disposition and ease of care? Thanks for the suggestion!


Depends what you like, jungles are a safe 1st carpet, they offer highest color/pattern mid size, easy care. Diamonds are the pinnacle but harder to keep/breed. Bredli are unique and cool. There are lots of crosses too jungle jag etc. I find all to have great dispositions easily handleable. Some can be nippy as hatchling but 99% tame out. I have a 9+ft coastal girl that’s puppy dog.


If you’ve never kept eastern indigos, I highly reccomend them. Very rewarding species, and very little out there is as cool as a full grown eastern.


I have looked at a female coastal as my next step up in larger snakes.

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If space permitted and I were game for another project, diamonds, blackheads, dumerils, white lip, or macklott’s are high on the list.