This just popped up on Facebook for me. I really hope this was a case of them escaping and not them being released. FWC is already gunning for our rights to own exotic animals and this does not help our cause.
From the description of the animals it sounds like someone who released a colony maybe. Private breeder or collector… who knows from there though. Could be anything from just being done and too lazy to rehome them, can no longer afford them/housing, family member or ex just dumping them…
Really sucks.
And of course it’s a horrible thing to do anywhere, but yeah especially in Florida right now.
Edit: Yeah… lots of Albinos, Albino Pieds, Normals and some maybe Fires from the photos and video. Some big breeding ready looking gals. That’s not a collection that just ‘escapes’
Just the fact that there have been so many found it doesn’t sound like they escaped. I just hope they all are found safe and go to forever homes……
Wishful thinking on my part I guess…….
Media will take anything with snakes, spiders, or sharks and run with it as long as they can! Even harmless bps that were obviously let go in that same neighborhood, are fair game to promote more ignorant legislation against us. I hope they find who let them go and hold them accountable for this! @caron had a good point, I hope they were taken to rehome and not killed! Never know it is Florida, we all no how they handle snakes!
Yea. Possible someone was taking out revenge or just being neglectful. I know i have had a family member tell me if something happened to me(ie if i died) that they would just release my collection into the wild and I told them not to. Take them to a rescue or even try to sell them off as they are not cheap animals.
@caron @banereptiles It looks like the one guy that captured a bunch has be able to get them to a group for adoptions. So at least that’s always good!
So @patriotballs brought up a good point concerning the disposition of your reptiles if something happens to you.
If something should happen to me my husband has been instructed to contact my friend who is a reptile vet tech and she can either find homes for them through the reptile rescue groups associated with the clinic or adopt them out herself. Aside from my son and his family I don’t have much family to speak of and certainly none that would be interested in reptiles.
I think it’s a good idea to have a plan for your reptiles just in case….
This is a very important thing that gets overlooked a lot I think. My husband and I need to make our wills and I fully intend to make a detailed plan and protections for my pets (cats & reptiles).
With all those different morphs, they definitely are the first generation released into the wild. There’s almost no way that many could have escaped accidentally. Looks like an intentional release to me.
This is definitely a black eye to our community. The level of reptile ignorance out there, this just adds fuel to the fire of legislation against the hobby. You never know how an invasive species will negatively impact the ecosystem. Hopefully they all get recovered for their sake. With any luck enough will get recovered to avoid an established colony. Wouldn’t it be nice if the (ir)responsible party was caught and punished appropriately (at least educated to stamp out some of the ignorance)?
Besides that, who’s down for a road trip to St. Augustine to go herping?
That’s good to hear. I was worried they’d be euthanized. The FWC has a horrific track record, especially with snakes.
Indeed. My dad would take my snakes and spiders…but he’s in his 70s, so unless something awful happens to me and I die prematurely, he’s probably not going to outlive me (and my snakes, chinchilla, and one of my tarantulas might outlive him as well). My mom would take everything but my cats (she’s allergic). She’s younger than my dad, but still probably won’t outlive me, barring unexpected accidents and/or illness. I don’t have any kids or siblings, and I’m single. So I’m still trying to work out a contingency plan for when my parents aren’t an option.
@halfmoonlakeherps I’m telling you right now I would be down for it in a New York skinny minute if I lived anywhere near the area! I think that would be awesome to be able to do that! I actually have one of my baby boys (BP) settled down inside the back of my shirt! Lol
I do hope all those stranded noodles sweeties are found safely and rehomed!