Lori gene info?

Does anyone here work with the Lori gene? I’m interested in maybe trying to get some and I would love to see it in some combos. I would also like to know if it has the same kinking issues in the super form as Cinnamon and Black Pastel.


It’s in the same complex as black pastel and cinnamon so it’s alleic. The super form doesn’t have kinking issues. But it is not a solid dark snake it looks more like red axanthic. Very hard gene to find though.


Just to add to what Shaun has said, and to quote @t_h_wyman:

“Black Pastel, Cinnamon, Green Pastel, Gypsy, Het Red Axanthic, Huffman, Jolt, Lori, Razor are proven alleles of the same gene.”

I haven’t seen anyone ever post any pictures on here of their Lori combos so your best bet for now is to have a look around YouTube videos like this one …

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do stay in this argument do u guys saw that BP solid black that Brian barczick hatched?is a black that I never saw in BP before

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I would contend to say green pastel=Gypsy=Lori … same genes just different founding stock

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Thanks everyone! I saw in a post that it was in the same complex as Cinny and BP, but I wasn’t sure if it had the same issues and I’m glad to see that there aren’t, that’s the main thing I was worried about. I haven’t watched any of Brian’s videos about it yet (his titles are so clickbaity lol), but since he seems to be the main one producing them then I guess I should take a look. I feel like it could definitely be an interesting project to get into.

Super blacks and cinnys are not worth it in my point. I focused on producing them one year. I had one survive out of 6. The rest were very kinked. Mahogany is the way to go if your looking to produce an all black snake. There are a ton of nice combos you can make with those genes and gargoyles are super nice as well.


If you enjoy the look of Lori balls, look into Lace Black Back. Super LBB is an amazing morph, and it has so much untapped potential like Lori. Plus Lori is around 300$ for a hatchling, and a Super LBB will cost you around the same.
Here is my old Super LBB, you can see they are very similar.


I don’t plan on trying to make any all black snakes unless I get some Mahoganys one day, I don’t want to take the risk of getting kinked up babies. I do have a Banana Super Cinnamon that I got from a grab bag contest with no kinks at all, but that’s probably going to be the only Super Cinny that I ever get.

It does look very similar, I will have to look into that. Thank you!

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Of course!

I would agree

The reason Brian seems to be the only one producing them is that he (actually his wife, who they are named after) discovered them and, as with so many things out of BHB, there was very little done to promote them so they basically just sat around in BHB. There are plenty of identical/near identical alleles that accomplish the same phenotype/combos so do not feel you need to hitch your wagon to that horse if there is a combo you liked, go ahead and grab one of the other alleles mentioned in this thread and you should be fine