Lost baby rat snake - help

Make sure to double & triple check anything inside the tank, I swear sometimes they can teleport. Otherwise I’d check for cord access areas & anywhere that may lift in the tank to find where she escaped from. Be sure to check along the walls, they like to stick close to things. Under clothing, in shoes, wherever. Keep a close eye on your animals as they may alert you to where she is. Do keep in mind, if you’re in FL with no AC, instead of looking for warmer areas, your girl may look for cooler places, so check those first.


I didn’t even think of cooler spots, I’ll have to hope for that. I’ve been going around the perimeter of the house along the walls and checking anything that looks like a fettucine noodle could fit in, so far no luck. Im laying more salt along areas I think she might be in and hopefully at night she comes out. i left some crumpled plastic bags in places too to see if i can hear her moving around at night. last time my bf’s king snake got out we didn’t see it for about a week, then one day we came home from bunch and there he was just moving along the living room rug. i really hope little Lucille turns up . ty for your suggestions!


Wishing you the best of luck in finding her soon!


is there anything that could lure her out you think? she’s so little and hasn’t eaten in a week since her last feeding so im worried how long she is willing to go in her hiding spot–if she hasn’t already squeezed out of the house.


Honestly I’m not the biggest expert on that, hopefully someone else could give you pointers there. I will say, snakes are very resourceful. I’ve got one I picked up on Craigslist that had been missing in someone’s house for six months and was found basically unharmed.


I’m so sorry, @toxenius. Breathe. There’s still a good chance that you’ll find your baby. You’re certainly not the first to have an escapee. It happens to nearly everyone at some point, and juveniles are the most likely to do it.

I know that you said that you checked all the decor items. It’s a good idea to do it again though, perhaps with a bright small flashlight in a darkened room. Babies can and do wedge themselves into unbelievably tiny, inconvenient spaces where they were never intended to go. I know that I once tore a viv apart, checked all the decor repeatedly, removed the bedding and was in full-on search mode in the house. After a couple of days of terrible worry, lo and behold, the snake reappeared in its enclosure. It had found a tiny hole inside a decor item and tucked itself in there. So it can happen, and because it can, keep the enclosure secured even though the snake seems to be out of it.

Your baby will be getting hungry if it’s feeding is due. This works in your favor for finding it. It’s not in any danger of starving for weeks, so don’t get about that. Do put water out for it. The cats and dogs may point you to your escapee, hopefully safely.

I’m linking a thread with links to a couple other threads with lots of good tips and some encouragement.

Hugs and prayers. Hopefully you’ll find your baby safe and sound and soon.


@toxenius I am so sorry you are going through this. I know how you feel believe me! As @caryl said, this is pretty common among us snake keepers! Escaped snakes are a common bond among us unfortunately.

I can’t lend any more advice than what has been given, especially the thread @caryl provided you. I will say that in my experience with escapees, I have found that turning on lights suddenly in a dark room has helped me find my guys, in most cases right in the middle of the room. I have 2 small dogs and neither has ever tracked down a snake for me! Lol

Definitely keep the tank intact because you never know where the little stinker could be. Don’t despair. I think she will show up eventually……

Hugs coming your way! :heart::hugs:


Id also like to mention looking in bedding bags. I know it sounds unbelievable but one time i lost a snake and foind her in a bag of bedding.

Its supprising where you can find them hiding


@caryl @noodlehaus @caron @shadowspiderjack

OMG THANK YOU EVERYONE ONE. My baby has RE-APPEARED! Idk HOW but she was in her castle! T_T I literally stuck my fingers all up in that castle and its black on the inside so I thought a little white snake would stand out but I didn’t see her when i first looked.

I came home from work today and I see a little white snake curled against the top of the castle and when i opened up the tank there she was, inside the tallest tower of her castle! idk how she hid herself the first time but OMG apparently the name Lucille isn’t fitting because she is clearly a Houdini!


WOO HOO! YIPPEE AND I don’t know what else to say!

I am sooooioo glad for you and her!

@noodlehaus Houdini…… Where have I heard that name? Or did someone else have that name? I can’t remember.


a famous magician, know for his disappearing acts hahaha


Yes but I was kidding @noodlehaus because I think she had a little garter snake that kept trying to escape…….


Thats great! Its allways terrifying when they escape especially if its the first time.


So, SO happy to hear that she was in her castle all along! They’re really good at fitting into spaces you’d never imagine. You’re not the first, nor will you be the last, to have a wily noodle “escape” in the decor. It’s the snake version of, “If I fits, I sits” :joy:

Also @caron was referencing one of my common garters who earned the moniker Houdini for partially escaping his bin. Unfortunately that ended up being his demise, so your “Houdini” does a much safer disappearing act.


And you assured us you thoroughly searched the castle and it was not in there. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Just busting your balls a little. I can do that now because the best scenario came through; you got your baby back. We all just (re)learned something today. Those buggers CAN HIDE! See, you did everything right. You didn’t lose your baby. Confidence restored. Too bad we can’t put an AirTag on these things.

When one of my balls got out (totally my fault) I was awoken by a crashing sound in the kitchen. It had knocked a box of cereal off the top of the full sized refrigerator. Guess it climbed up the coils on the back side (it was decades ago).


i REALLY dont know how she did it :joy::sob: like its more likely i temporarily went blind than missed a nook or cranny but man oh man am i releived. she has an all black tank so she’d be “easier” for me to spot and i STILL MISSED HER lol and god i wish we could tag our snakes! put a little beeper on em


Hooray!!! I am so very happy for you!!! What a delightful thing to have a missing baby turn up anywhere, safe and sound!!!


Lol! If you figure out how to put little beepers on little snakes then you will have enough money to buy ALL the critters you want! :snake::rofl:


Oh my gosh, yes! Teensy radio collars for baby colubrids would be THE thing!


I know right?! :blush: