Lost baby rat snake - help

I’m so sorry, @toxenius. Breathe. There’s still a good chance that you’ll find your baby. You’re certainly not the first to have an escapee. It happens to nearly everyone at some point, and juveniles are the most likely to do it.

I know that you said that you checked all the decor items. It’s a good idea to do it again though, perhaps with a bright small flashlight in a darkened room. Babies can and do wedge themselves into unbelievably tiny, inconvenient spaces where they were never intended to go. I know that I once tore a viv apart, checked all the decor repeatedly, removed the bedding and was in full-on search mode in the house. After a couple of days of terrible worry, lo and behold, the snake reappeared in its enclosure. It had found a tiny hole inside a decor item and tucked itself in there. So it can happen, and because it can, keep the enclosure secured even though the snake seems to be out of it.

Your baby will be getting hungry if it’s feeding is due. This works in your favor for finding it. It’s not in any danger of starving for weeks, so don’t get about that. Do put water out for it. The cats and dogs may point you to your escapee, hopefully safely.

I’m linking a thread with links to a couple other threads with lots of good tips and some encouragement.

Hugs and prayers. Hopefully you’ll find your baby safe and sound and soon.