LW hatchling plus?

Ah I got a tent to use while cleaning baby tanks! Tonight was the first night of testing and it was a success! Here is my LW Bandit who was enjoying the warmth of my Mario shirt!!

I’m aware he’s LW but I’m curious if they’ve got anything else going on? Possible super stripe?


Awwwww! What a sweet little cutie patootie wiggly butt! :heart::pray::blush::+1::hugs:


I am not seeing super stripe but I don’t know much about how it interacts with lily white or about it in general. @ghoulishcresties will definitely be able to help you more than me


I’m at a loss, maybe it’s gonna be a solid dorsal??? Who knows! Definitely excited to find out though!


That’s just its markings, many about like the little bean, they don’t all have the complete white dorsal, lots of lovely odd ones about now! :smiling_face:


What do the parents look like? Could definitely be some EB/SS but it would depend on what the parents carried :blush:


Sire would be my LW male

I swear it’s harder to get a cleaner photo of him then all of my geckos combined LoL

Dam is this lucky lady

My patternless orange female with Dal gene (she’s only got two but I’d still like to point out she’s got it)

Edit: Sire’s photo wouldn’t upload


Do you have any better photos of the male? He’s super interesting, and based on his back i would assume he’s at least het, which means the baby could definitely be het as well. Ive never seen a LW quite like him tbh, no matter what both the baby and the sire defintely have something else going on, they’re not just LWs :blush:


Oh golly I’ll definitely need to get a better photo of him, I used to have more of him but I got rid of my old iPhone… I’ll try to get a few better photos as soon as I can he’s asleep in his cork log right now :slight_smile:

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It’s so odd, if their hatchling wasn’t such an obvious LW, I wouldn’t even think the sire was. He almost looks like some of the sables I’ve seen, but that seems very unlikely.


Agreed! At first I thought he was more of a white out EB, but the pattern on the laterals being that far down isn’t typical for a whiteout afaik, that’s more of a LW thing, and the baby definitely looks LW… I wonder if he’s like a super EB and all the extra white is just snowflaking? I have seen het EBs that were impossible to tell were actually EBs if you didn’t have baby photos since snowflaking had completely covered up their dorsals. Either way he’s awesome!


I would like to point out I paired him with 3 different females last season, all of which being their first season ( and mine!) I got 5 LW within last seasons offspring. Two of which showing this gradual ’ swallowing dorsal ’ which seems to start at the base of the tail working it’s way up the dorsal to the head I thought it was Super stripe just dominating the dorsal color but I’m not to sure. Both the baby in the photo and a sibling of theirs hatched out with very orange pigments. One of the other half siblings isn’t showing any signs of pin stripe or SS but does seem to fire up with a fading of bright reddish orange at the top of the crest to the base of the tail being almost peach colored.

My first LW hatchling didn’t hatch with any bright orange color just a solid white dorsal.
So my ‘Fading orange’ dorsal LW’s sibling came out as a dark base ‘flame?’ (not 100% on that) has a weird dorsal pattern as well. It’s been reverse fading it would seem. As if the pattern is receding in the middle of the dorsal.
Also seems to start at the head?

It isn’t as noticable as the others, but she didn’t hatch with anything but a cool ‘faux tiger stripe’ pattern on her dorsal.
Also excuse her wonkiness she’s a complete goofball.

Edit- for the absolutely weird upside frowny face she’s got at her tail base

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He’s a harlequin - flames and harlequins (and extreme harlequins) are essentially the same genetically, but just different levels of expression of the same genes (base-colour, tiger, and white pattern and/or orange pattern). Flames have little to not pattern on their laterals (sides) so since he seems to have a decent but not extreme amount, he would be a harlequin.
Ive see what you mean about the dorsal stripe and ive seen in before, afaik it is not related to empty-back, however I don’t know if it’s just a line of harlequin, or if it’s something that hasn’t been proven (to my knowledge) yet.
As for the orange pigment, it is not unusal for hatchlings to have bright orange pattern that fades as they get older, it’s especially obvious with LWs usually :blush:
Have you hatched any non-lw EBs from him?

Edit to say i love the frown :laughing:


Well I did have a hatchling pip and didn’t make it out that would have been my first hatchlings clutch sibling who was not a LW from what I could tell, I can’t remember if it was EB or not and alas, my dairy cows have long since repeated the circle of life.

I would like to apologize if anyone finds that offensive. Some people might not view that the best way but it’s the way I am :,)

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That sounds like a good way to dispose of it for lack of a better way to phrase it - It’s too bad though, since non-LW EBs are much easier to ID, so if he’s made non-LW EBs that would pm prove that he is indeed an EB and that the LWs most likely are as well :thinking:

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So he’s dropped in grams in the past few months leading up to this coming breeding season so If he gets paired up this season it won’t be till I see him gaining his grams back again. Probably towards the end of the coming breeding season. Also Im kinda waiting till my snowflake female is RTB to pair with him. I’ll definitely be eagerly awaiting the arrival of his next batch of cutie scale babies to post photos of them and get some update photos of his first seasons as well!

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See those are my kind of Lillie’s! We have lots in the uk like that, some you wouldn’t even know are lillies at all unless you saw the belly! They’re beautiful! :star_struck:


Harley pin dash with tiger, lovely bean! :beans:


Phantom Lillie’s are my fav,
But I love the ones that are odd as heck too, I have a girl here i actually had people tell me wasn’t a lilly until I showed them baby pics and belly pics and that soon showed them she was :sweat_smile:
The stranger the better for sure! :black_heart:


Gotta love the weird looking ones. Gives you some neat variety. I have a girl who doesn’t really fire up, and she also has a random yellow spot. I’m interested in how she proves out.