Hi guys, does anyone know what this is? He was fine when I took him out of brumation, ate fine, sent him on a date. All seemed normal with the breeding, took him out of her bin for a few days to feed him, he didn’t eat, and now this. Is this an infection? Is it something to do with breeding? Haven’t dealt with this before. Would love some advice.
That looks like it’s right by the vent, so likely a breeding injury. I’m not sure how it happened but it almost looks like one of the hemipenes got stuck under the scales. You can try giving him a sugar water bath (I’d wait for clarification from an experienced keeper first) but until then keep him on paper towels without any rough hides or decorations. I believe @trnreptiles works with hogs so I’ll tag her to see if she has any advice.
If I were you I would take him to a reptile vet asap. If it is an injury to the hemipenes, which is all I can think of, then he will need to be retired as a breeder. A vet is the best option on figuring out exactly what is wrong.
Thank you for replying! I was thinking about the sugar thing. I’m soaking him in a iodine bath for now. After I’m going to put straight iodine on it and keep him on paper towels until I figure out next steps.
I’m in a city with a 1 month waiting time for all vets even for cats and dogs. Everyone got an animal during covid, and I guess they are all sick. Thanks for the reply!
Usually vets will have an emergency option that only costs a little bit more. However it gets them into the vet immediately. I would call all exotic herp vets and see when the soonest you can get him in is. DO NOT go to a mammal vet as they don’t have the proper knowledge to work with them. If you have to an avian vet is the next best thing as birds are technically reptiles.
My knowledge on hogs is fairly limited honestly, I unfortunately would not know what exactly happened there… but as others have said I would definitely recommend a vet visit as soon as possible to rule out any potential issues.