I need some advice or help. I have a baby mangrove snake that I’ve had for a couple mo ths now and he’s eaten twice before but now he refuses to eat and hasn’t for the last four weeks. Any help or assistance on how to get him to eat would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Is it wild caught or captive bred? Can you show us a picture of your set up?
Add more cover and hides. The enclosure would ideally be switched out for a larger vertical enclosure, as adults they will need an enclosure size of 4x2x4. How old is the snake? Until you can get a larger enclosure cover 3 sides, add vertical branches, and add 2 one-entrance hides (the 2-entrance log hide doesn’t count).
Have you tried quail or only rodents?
He’s only about 4 months old and I have only tried giving him live fuzzy mice. I am going to get him a larger enclosure.
Mangroves if healthy will readily eat chicks. It’s a more natural prey item to them. While I think a larger enclosure and more environmental cover will benefit the animal, a quail or chicken chick should satisfy the immediate need of getting the animal on food.
Edited to add: Scenting with chick down is probably all you need to do, but if you have chicks on hand you have more options.
He did eat the first 2 times I tried to feed him
I will get some and try them