MBK Post Brumation Shed and Pre Lay Shed only 10 days apart?

So, ive been keeping MBKs and GBKs for well over 20 years. Ive only bred them a handful of times. This year is one of those times. They were cooled for 9 weeks and warmed back up between Feb 20th to March 1st. This one particular female had her post brum shed on the 11th, with visible signs of what i call ovulation (swollen last 3rd of her body thats squishy to the touch - see 1st photo). So i introduced her male 2 days later on the 13th and they immediately locked for just under 4 hours. Thats all normal and standard from my experience, as Kings tend to stay locked for long periods and these 2 have bred before, 3 years ago. What i didnt expect to see today is that shes already shedding again with opaque eyes. Today’s the 21st so thats only 10 days. Never have i seen 2 sheds so close together! Has anyone else? Im not worried or anything, but intrigued, and im wondering if anyone else has seen this before? 10 days…?!?

Here are some photos.


I had cals that would rapid shed the same way. Just one of the two fems I had. Shed. Clear eyes. Milky two days later. No parasites or respiratory problems. I checked. Then eggs @ 26-29 days later. Three years in a row. I was told it may have been because she was holding retained sperm.

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Interesting. She hasnt been bred for over 3 years until now. And no behavior like this since those 3 years. Didnt even lay slugs since then.