Well HELLO there! I’m George, and I’m curious AF!! I was rescued this past Wednesday (Oct 9th, 2024) aka. like 2 days ago!
My new parents are WAAAAY better than that last guy, but they are BRAND NEW to snake keeping… so please be gentle with them. The last guy didn’t feed me for the entire 6-8 months he had me! Before that I was just a little baby hatchling, so we think I’m about 1 year old. Since I arrived here, I have settled into my new home nicely, unfortunately with old substrate, BUT fresh water, a warm and cool side, 2 new hides, some enrichment objects, AND I HAVE A FULL BELLY FINALLY!!! I took one Large f/t arctic mouse? Or is that the brand… anyways, I struggled at first as my parents were watching me eagerly… I got shy, and after a few failed attempts at lining up my bite, I pulled that yummy treat into my hide, and musta gobbled it down cuz its gone, and there’s a big lump about 1/3 down the length of me as far as they can tell without handling me yet.
How long till I poop? Is snake poop… obviously poop? Or does it take careful inspection of the substrate? What do urates ( is that the right word?) look like?
This is how I arrived at my new home…
I’m pretty underweight looking, right? My parents are going to take me to the vet asap, and weigh me, but just looking at me, I look skinny… I want to be plump and curvy, not wrinkly and skin and bones… at least I’m pretty sure! But my parents are going to get me on a regular feeding schedule of somewhere in the 7-10 day range.
Quick Info & Stats w/ Questions:
(Please feel free to comment on any of the following, with tips, advice, or just encouragement would be appreciated! Haha!!)
- EXPERIENCE: So… My parents have never had a snake before, and they found out about me the day they decided they were saving me from that horrible place. They set me up as best they could for now, with the budget that they have at the moment.
- SUPPLIES: My set up is currently an old fish tank they had and cleaned, and all they had for substrate was the coconut husk chips that I came with… I know this needs to be changed asap, and today is Payday, so we are able to get a few necessary things, I will keep listing my set-up, but any advice as to brands or missing listed needed items, would be GREATLY appreciated! My parents would LOVE to set me up a living ecosystem with isopods and living plants, but are going to take it slow, so any tips for starting out, would be great!
- SETUP: In the cleaned fish tank with me are two identical plastic hides my parents cut openings in for me on one side and protected me from the edges with some duct tape for now. These I am SURE will be updated, but I feel they will do for now, as I seem quite content, and all my basic survival needs are met. One hide is on the “warm” side currently sitting at an approximate 80degrees… My parents have a new proper reptile temp controlled heat mat for me on the list! Any suggestions for brands, or features to make sure to look for, would be helpful! On the other hide is on the “cool” side… I haven’t been over there yet, as I’m not really getting the correct temperatures in my tank just yet, but a thermo-gun is on the list as well!
- The inside of the tank on top of the substrate is reading 78degrees, and under the tank but on top of the mat it reads at about 115degrees… So, my parents are guessing I’m sitting at a somewhat comfortable temperature of around 80ish degrees, though I know I’d love something more in the range of 90… right?
- WATER: In between the two hides is a dish of filtered water deep enough to soak my self about half way in… does this need to be deeper? This has been changed already once since wednesday… but my new parents are trying to leave me alone as best as they can for 1 week.
- I shed sometime before I arrived here as there were pieces around me and I still have a few pieces stuck to me… but my parents are keeping the humidity up as best they can with just a spray bottle for now once a day misting the warm side of my tank. I know that BP’s have sensitive respiratory systems… is this misting a concern? Should I have moist substrate instead of misting from above? I am curious about the water droplets and poke my head out of my hide to check it out every time. I don’t have a … humidity… meter…(?) yet, but this is also on the list is getting a new thermometer for my tank with a humidity… reader thingy…!! Haha
- ENRICHMENT: As far as enrichment in my place, I’ve been given a couple sticks mom found on a walk… should these go? Or are they okay for me? I also have some fake leaves mom had, and a thick hemp rope… I’m thinking different textures, sizes, smells, and shapes are… more interesting for enrichment… is this correct? Also, these should be rotated with new objects how often?
- WEIGHT: I have NO idea how much I weigh yet, because as mentioned, my parent are trying to leave me alone for the first little bit… other than feeding me and setting me up in my new crib.
- HEALTH CONCERNS: Looking at my picture and knowing I didn’t shed well my last shed, thats a piece of shed skin on my eye right? Am I expected to take care of this my self? Or will my humans need to put me in some water for a good soak? Do i need a good soak regardless? Should my parents handle me so that I can receive veterinary care?? because…
- MITES?!?!?!: I’m also concerned I have mites… there are black specs on me, they LOOK almost as if maybe they are tucked underneath of a scale, and there are a few on its body different sizes… what do we do??? Help! Are these because of the bad shed? Or do I have MITES??? Is a vet visit how I get rid of them? And tips and advice for looking for a good vet for reptiles specifically other than/additionally to googling in my area?
Okay, well… thats all I can think of for now… I don’t even know if anyone is even going to read all this… but… I thought I’d give it a try, get involved with the community, and be a better keeper!
Also… if anyone knows what type of morph I am, my parents know nothing about that!
Thanks everyone,
Kindest Regards!
George and the Fam!