Meet Derp, my goofy little dude

This is Lil Derp!

Would anybody have any idea on the morph of my goofy little guy? Ain’t he freaking ADORABLE?! LOOK AT THAT FACE!


Visually, he looks like a low expression harlequin partial pinstripe i’d say :thinking: Anything specific would have to be proven through breeding, but that’s the case for 99% of geckos tbh, so if you’re not going to, i’d just consider him a harlequin :blush:


Oh my goodness I love little frog butts! That third picture is downright adorable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:


Dark based low expression Harley pin dash with tiger.

Darks are my fav so I adore :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:


Let me tell you lol so someone I know not exactly a friend but more of an acquaintance,she calls me FREAKING telling me how he escaped from his enclosure and was darting up under the other enclosures and the only thing to grab onto to stop him….was his tail :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face: maaaaaaan my heart just fell. I said “YOU DID WHAT?!” Not like mad but kinda just surprised because she’s handled geckos for awhile I’m not sure what was so different about this guy….having met him now :joy::joy::joy::joy::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes: i love him so much! He’s gonna take some working with he’s scared,obviously poor guy went through a traumatic event and is afraid of people so I’m trying to show him I mean no harm BUT he has let me handle him once and he’s let me pet him but like right after my hand is out of his enclosure he’s rushing for the wall :pleading_face::pleading_face: which makes me sad cause I feel like it has to do with me but I know it really doesn’t have to do with me …. When I first got my sunny 3 years ago I never thought I’d have multiple lizards in our home ….i love every single one of our babies they all have their own personality their own goofy traits and silly things they do …secretly watching you cause they think you don’t know but we know lol


Hims is sooooooo precious! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I had actually been wanting a crestie my husband has dart which made me want a dart but for me lol so when the lady called me and told
Me what happened she didn’t feel comfortable having him anymore so I was like “bringeth me the scaly puppy” she said he’s “mean and bitey” nothing mean about that baby he’s just scared and nervous is all and it’s gonna take him some time to get that he is in fact safe here so I’ve working with him little by little every day and I’d just like to add until meeting little Derp I hadn’t actually really seen a little frog butt before like in real life ……:face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears: the amount of cuteness I’d also like to add it makes me feel super sad that they get so scared they drop their tails or their tails get hurt and they drop them :frowning: just makes me sad on the inside ….im sure he was a stunner with his tail but he’s just as incredible without his tail :heart::heart: I actually think it suits him better without it lol


You’re right, @rmccuen93. THAT FACE!! and also that frog butt! He’s totally adorable. I can see why you’re charmed. I’m charmed, and I’m not getting the full blast of in-person adorableness. Wishing you and Lil Derp a long and joyful coexistence. I’m sure you’ll win his trust with patience and time. And we’ll look forward to more great pics along the way. :heart:


Derp incoming! This was just a couple nights ago we’re slowly getting there ….fast little booger lmao


He looks like he is settling in famously! He looks super healthy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@rmccuen93 I don’t know who is happier! You or him! It’s nice to see people smiling! :+1::heart:


He’s a sweet little dude his colorations are showing more now too love his little face