Meet The Dumpling! 🥟

Meet the Dumpling :dumpling:
So as many of you know, a Leachianus has been an absolute dream gecko of mine. Specifically a Moro locale. Years I’ve loved them and just watched at a distance dreaming of the day I had my very own dinosaur. :t_rex:
Well finally the day came, honestly I cannot stop staring at them, I already love them so so much. :sob::black_heart:
He or She is currently unsexed as still little. But I have some name ideas for when I know. For now it’s my dumpling!
They were born 20/09/24. And I mean… How can you not just adore this face…


So cool! It looks carved from sandstone.


@deanaii Literally took the words from my brain. lol

@ghoulishcresties he’s awesome! Does he change colors when he gets fired up? Or does this specific species does not do that?


Now I can unsee that :joy:

And @bryanf88 yes they fire up and down! I’ve gotten a semi fire today! But not a full. They also get better with age and their markings and pretty colours start to come out more. :pleading_face:

Here’s mum and dad, sent by the breeder.


If you walked past that in the wild you would have literally no idea it was there! Looks prehistoric, awesome looking :+1:


Tiny Chonk. So cute. I was tempted by them but I haven’t taken the plunge yet. They definitely look pretty awesome though as they grow