One of the most beautiful isopods I’ve ever kept. Hopefully they do well I should have not gotten attached so soon . Way larger than Tri color and Diablo.
Holy smokes! Never heard of those. Those are amazing!
I want several of the Merulanella species, but I have to restrain myself until I have more experience with isopods under my belt. Though it’s not as though Merulanella are easy to find for sale, so I suppose temptation will be easier to resist for awhile.
Wow, I need these….
They’re so pretty! Really vibrant oranges
Wow. All I can say is .
I need myself some Merulanella!
These look amazing! I would love to get them someday! Hopefully they do very well for you.
Omg, those are gorgeous! I hope you’ll keep us posted on how they do for you. What are their care requirements like? Are they difficult to keep?
I don’t really know how the care is, they don’t tell you much . I am keeping them the same as other meru like Tri Color (lots of vertical bark) high ventilation.